[News] DiGiCo’s Quantum7 Consoles Help Trans-Siberian Orchestra Bring a Great Christmas to Everyone on Santa’s List

Aug 4, 2011
When the late composer, producer, guitarist and music entrepreneur Paul O’Neill first conceived Trans-Siberian Orchestra, his goal was as straightforward as it was ambitious. “The whole idea,” he explained once, “was to create a progressive rock band that would push the boundaries further than any group before. Way, way further.” Since the release of the band’s first album, Christmas Eve And Other Stories, in 1996, TSO has become a de facto staple of the holiday season, embarking on often-grueling months-long excursions.
In fact, the band has become so much a part of the Christmas season that, like Santa, they’ve figured out how to be in two places at once. This year, TSO hit the road in November with two bands and two identical productions, often playing as many as eight shows a week, with two shows a night on weekends. For instance, this year’s outing, The Ghosts of Christmas Eve: The Best of TSO and More, began in both Green Bay, Wisconsin and Council Bluffs, Iowa at the same...

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