[ATTACH=CONFIG]202283.vB5-nodeid=202283[/ATTACH]The Museum of Communications in Frankfurt, Germany, recently invested in Allen & Heath’s Qu-16 digital rackmount mixer with AR2412 remote IO rack to manage its varied events calendar.

“The Museum is well known for its regular change of exhibitions and hosting world-famous speakers. We needed a console that is both reliable and with excellent sound quality,” explains audio engineer, Kai Grumpe.

The Museum of Communications hosts various events throughout the year, including regularly changing exhibitions, private functions, concerts and conferences. The venue needed a new console that could manage a variety of functions, including live sound and broadcast feeds, for a diverse event programme ranging from jazz bands to panel discussions.

“Allen & Heath’s Qu-16 offers everything we need to manage the Museum’s daily business. It has stunning FX and very good sound quality, as well as the crucial Automatic Mic Mixer (AMM) feature,” continues Grumpe.

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In conference situations, AMM helps the engineer to manage the levels of multiple mic inputs, ensuring that each speaker’s contribution is heard but with priority settings to establish an order of precedence, as well as reducing background noise and minimising the risk of feedback.
[HR][/HR]Established for over 45 years, Allen & Heath designs and manufactures professional audio mixing consoles for an international clientele in the live sound, installed systems and nightclub markets.