
Allen & Heath GLD Installed in Californian Church

[ATTACH=CONFIG]198720.vB5-legacyid=9244[/ATTACH]Now in its tenth year, the Mosaic Church in Rockland, California, recently completed a renovation of its sanctuary, which included upgrading the existing sound system with an Allen & Heath GLD-80 mixer and an AR2412 remote audio rack. Situated in a strip mall amongst RV and Auto Dealerships along with a Fitness Centre, the Church presented a challenging acoustic environment.

Also added to the existing system is a pair of Tannoy V-12 speakers to complement three V-12’s already in use. The church installed a Mi-Pro Microphone set up with a DPA headset for the pastor. Handling DSP chores for the new system is a RANE HAL2 processor.

With four to five Ministries using the Allen & Heath board during the course of a week, a digital mixer was the obvious selection.

“The Allen & Heath GLD-80 has a clear and simple interface that has a lot of flexibility for so many hands touching the board all week. During our two Sunday services, the GLD-80’s PEQ page gives me an instant read on our Pastor’s vocals and our five-piece band’s audio level in a very live room,” comments Matt Trask, Mosaic’s Creative Communications Director. “This along with the reliable and very rich compression of the GLD-80 allows me to focus on the experience of the service, not just technical aspects.”

“The function and price point of the console, along with the sound quality set the GLD-80 apart,” states Mark Thompson of Clarity AVL. “I expected more trouble from the Mosaic room than I got – there is a musicality to the mixer that allows the audio sources to be more accurate. You don’t find this in very many digital mixers.”

Creating an audio experience that is at once pleasant to the ear and uplifting to the soul; in a room built for anything but live music and worship, is a challenge not easily overcome. But for Matt Trask of the Mosaic Church of Rockland, California the Allen & Heath mixer has done just that.


Allen & Heath
Established for over 40 years, Allen & Heath designs and manufactures professional audio mixing consoles for an international clientele in the live sound, installed systems, worship facilities and nightclub markets.