
John Rotellini’s Magic Performances Excel with Countryman’s B6 Omnidirectional Lavalier Microphone

[ATTACH=JSON]207043.vB5-nodeid=207043[/ATTACH]Las Vegas, NV – July 2017… From video games to television and film, modern culture is filled with escapes from reality—though we don’t normally witness this in a live environment. Meet John Rotellini, who merges sleight of hand magic and illusions with other disciplines such as psychology, con artistry, film, music, and theatre. In doing so, he creates live interactive events that defy traditional magic shows. Audience interaction is a crucial element of Rotellini’s performances, so the ability to freely move about is of paramount importance. That’s why Rotellini chooses the exceptional audio quality and diminutive size of the B6 Omnidirectional Lavalier Microphone from Menlo Park, CA-based Countryman Associates.

“My shows are very interactive and frequently use members of the audience,” says Rotellini. “Due to the nature of the performances, I move around quite a bit onstage as well as out in the audience, so having a microphone that provides stability and high quality audio performance along with comfortable range of motion during physical activity was a priority. The Countryman B6 Lavalier is the first microphone that I have purchased following the use of numerous types of lavalier, headset, handheld, and clip-on lavs at various venues. Handhelds were good for monologues but, as a magician, I need full use of both hands. Clip-on lavalier mics worked well—except during times of strenuous physical activity or costume changes. Similarly, headsets often compromised video footage and photographs. Then I discovered the Countryman B6.”

“I found that, due to the incredibly slim profile of the Countryman B6, the mic was almost invisible and could be mounted to my glasses. Not only did this solution provide complete range of motion, but there were zero issues with physical activity, costume changes, or performance. I love the B6’s crisp highs and full, deep lows. I was astounded to find the B6’s audio quality was so good and that I can get very high gain before feedback, so there’s never an issue with level. Further, based on how I choose to mount the mic to my glasses, I can clearly pick up the interactions I have with audience members near me onstage. No longer do I need to have a separate handheld mic for them to speak into. As long as they are within standard conversational range, I can usually pick up their responses loud and clear— enabling perfect audio at every show.”

Beyond its audio performance and the fact that the mic can be easily concealed, Rotellini’s use of the Countryman B6 carries additional benefits. “As my wireless systems are based on the in-house equipment of the places I perform at and vary from venue to venue, I really wanted to find a microphone that could serve as a ‘Swiss Army Knife’ of sorts. Thanks to Countryman’s interchangeable adapters and the modular nature of the B6, I can use it as my primary workhorse in conjunction with wireless systems from several manufacturers, including Shure, Sennheiser, and Audio-Technica to name just a few. This is a huge advantage for me, as it provides consistency while I travel from one engagement to another.”

Rotellini is equally impressed with the level of customer and technical support he has experienced with Countryman Associates, “The folks at Countryman are incredible! Their kind and courteous staff really go the extra mile for their customers, whether it’s overnighting equipment to various touring locations or providing great tips from their engineers. I had the pleasure to speak with Chris Countryman—not knowing he was the head of the company—and couldn’t speak more highly of my interactions with him or his staff.”

Before shifting his focus to an upcoming performance, Rotellini offered these parting thoughts on his Countryman experience. “I started working with the Countryman B6 about six months ago and I could not be happier. Thanks to its impossibly small design and equally impressive performance, I know that, regardless of where I am or what I’m doing—be it performing in a theater, filming new content on the road, or entertaining an arena crowd during a special appearance—I can focus on doing what I do best and remain confident that my Countryman B6 will provide exemplary audio.”

To learn more about John Rotellini, visit his website at [url][/url].
About Countryman Associates
For more than 30 years, Countryman has focused on developing microphones and accessories that deliver maximum gain before feedback, with the highest possible rejection of wind, vibration, interference, and other unwanted sounds. The result is warm, clear vocals in speaking and singing applications, delivering natural audio reinforcement that requires almost no attention from the sound engineer or the performer. For additional information about Countryman Associates, visit the company online at [url][/url].