And Now it's Our Food Supply

Langston Holland

Jan 13, 2011
Terrible news for a road delicacy second only to possum:

"Using genetic sequencing, the researchers found that infected armadillos captured in five southern states had the same strain of Mycobacterium leprae, the agent that causes leprosy, as that found in some patients from southern states diagnosed with the disease."

Just put 'er in the trunk with a shovel...

"The most likely way people might acquire the infection would be through contact with blood or uncooked flesh from the armadillo, according to James L. Krahenbuhl, director of the National Hansen's Disease Program."

So good, it's worth a little trouble...

Happily, there's no need to take the critter off the menu because "Leprosy is an eminently treatable disease if you recognize it early on," Dr. Fauci said."

A rare picture of an Amadilly with its feet upside down:

Re: And Now it's Our Food Supply

The link between 'dillos and leprosy has been widely suggested for some time.. Always cook your road kill at > 165'.


I thought the Armadillo was the only known natural carrier of Hansen's disease. Although, I don't eat the critters myself, I suppose it's no more threatening than eatin' possum or squirrel, or pigeon, deer, or etc.... because they all are known to carry some kind of transmitable disease.

You could always slow cook yer critters in Jack Daniel's and Scotch Bonnet Peppers....that combination will kill most anything.

Re: And Now it's Our Food Supply

I don't know about the scotch bonnet peppers killing anything more than your taste buds, but I read one report where they compared beer drinkers to those partaking in stronger libations who were all exposed to tainted shellfish... The beer drinkers and teetotalers fared worse than the hard liquor drinkers.

Still need to cook your road kill tho'... just to be safe.


PS: If you want some wild flesh concerns, reports of brain wasting in wild deer,,, don't know if cooking does "jack" to those prions.