Will loudspeakers get heavier or will they cost more in the future?

Re: Will loudspeakers get heavier or will they cost more in the future?

Probably get more expensive due to inflation...

The rare earth metal mining companies have invested in developing new capacity but that can take years to come on line. I even heard that they discovered some deposits in Afghanistan. That would be a better industry for them to develop than poppies.

One of the electric car companies was looking at electro magnet instead of rare earth magnets for electric car motors.

Re: Will loudspeakers get heavier or will they cost more in the future?

When I look on the wind power industry in Germany (and, of course, other players like Denmark, UK and China, Korea kicking in) it seems they can not make generators without Nd. at least not in a profitable way, even with the subsidies they get now.
Re: Will loudspeakers get heavier or will they cost more in the future?

Rare earth metals are not going away. China is dealing with an overheated economy, housing boom, and commodity hoarding.

They won't ever be cheap, but market forces will expand supply.

Re: Will loudspeakers get heavier or will they cost more in the future?

That report didn't even list the potential for mining in Afghanistan... it takes years to expand capacity so this is a transitory problem. The sky is not falling in, and we won't run out of RE metals, just a little tight and expensive for a while.