Hitler Mad people don't understand Jack Arnott's Humor! (Hitler Downfall Parody)

Jack Arnott

Jan 29, 2011
Hello All,
First of all. Many thanks to Andy Peters for being the one to introduce me to the wonderful internet/youtube meme of the "Hitler is mad about......" videos.
They have been going on for years all around me, and I never knew.
It is a scene from the Hitler Downfall (German) movie, that has been re-subtitled over and over again, for many different situations.

My favorites so far are "Hitler mad that Sideshow Bob is not in the Simpsons Movie" (even though he is on the iMBD web page for it), "Hitler mad about .....NOFX", "Hitler mad about BYU game not being on cable", or "Hitler mad about Lebron James leaving Cleveland", (lots of good sports, and music ones there.)

So, of course I could not help but make one, after my recent thread that I thought was hilarious fell on tone deaf ears.
Warning! Not safe for the humorless!


I hope you enjoy, I had fun making it.
Regards, Jack
Re: Hitler Mad people don't understand Jack Arnott's Humor! (Hitler Downfall Parody)

I laughed at the OP, but those Hitler bunker scenes are less funny when you speak German - plus the subject is still a little too serious for me. That movie (Der Untergang, The Demise) is a brilliant movie and the actor playing Hitler should have gotten at least one mantlepiece statue for his performance.

PS: When the text says "We still have Bennet" the words say "The war is lost". I certainly hope this wasn't prophetic! :lol:

(Note emoticon included to guide people as to when to laugh).
Re: Hitler Mad people don't understand Jack Arnott's Humor! (Hitler Downfall Parody)

Jack, that was great! Thanks for turning some of us on to the Hitler videos!

I went back and read your UPS thread and I just had to shake my head. It seems that there are people here that just take things way too literally, and they seem to be the more technically minded ones. I guess it's a left-brain/right-brain kind of thing. Anyway, thanks!
Re: Hitler Mad people don't understand Jack Arnott's Humor! (Hitler Downfall Parody)


While doing some research,... I found that one of Hitler's Nephews was living in a small town in Long Island, New York until his death in 1987. "William Patrick Hitler" had dropped the Family name of Hitler some time after WWII. William married and had four boys . One (Howard) became an investigator for the IRS and was killed in a car accident in 1989.

Two of the remaining sons own and operate a Landscaping Company in Long Island, NY. and, the oldest son lives and works in NY city. None of the great Nephews of Adolph Hitler have had any children per their vow of remaining childless.

Who knew?