
Randy Gartner

Jan 12, 2011
About 1:50 pm we experienced an earthquake here in south cenatral PA with a 5.9 magnatude. Was sitting at my computer.Felt the shaking,got up,looked out the window and saw nothing. Then sat back down and felt it again. This is the second one I experieinced.Both were on the east coast.Spent a year in californaia and never exeprienced one.
Re: Earthquake

I was at school, about 90 miles from the epicenter. The wave front hit the building at a right angle to my room which felt like it moved about a foot back and forth. The people upstairs were talking about more sway.
Re: Earthquake

I didn't make it, just stole it
(and yeah it's fuzzy. I grabbed a screen shot and compressed it for re-posting)
Re: Earthquake

I work at a hotel in Philadelphia and was recording a board meeting in a hotel ballroom when the earthquake hit. It certainly wasn't expected and everyone in the room was calm, but bewildered. When the second wave hit, we figured out what it was and I started to help people get to the emergency exits.

I took a listen to the recording and, amdist the gasps and humdrum, heard the building creak during the second wave. Nothing fell and the structure is sound, so all is well.

Cross that off the bucket list, I guess.
Re: Earthquake

5.3 in Colorado. Don't hear word one about it.
Either it is an east coast media thing. Or Colorado went, "meh", and moved on.

Regards, Jack
Re: Earthquake

While some don't appreciate jokes about natural disasters (just ask Gilbert Gottfried), the best I heard so far about the VA quake is that it was our Founding Fathers rolling over in the their graves.

Re: Earthquake


My cc'd reports from Bond indicate that a Revolutionary, Militant, Subwoofer using group has "acquired" a new design from the Labs of Danley. This new Subwoofer's project name is "The Armageddon". The use of this new Subwoofer has not been verified, but, although, it is self-powered by it's own internal Nuclear Reactor, it must be jump-started by an electrical charge of 50 mega watts.

The severe brown-out in the States of Virginia, N. Carolina, and S.Carolina immediately prior to the registered Earth Quake almost assures that this "Armageddon" Subwoofer has been tested.

Proceed with Extreme Caution. ;o)
Re: Earthquake


My cc'd reports from Bond indicate that a Revolutionary, Militant, Subwoofer using group has "acquired" a new design from the Labs of Danley. This new Subwoofer's project name is "The Armageddon". The use of this new Subwoofer has not been verified, but, although, it is self-powered by it's own internal Nuclear Reactor, it must be jump-started by an electrical charge of 50 mega watts.

The severe brown-out in the States of Virginia, N. Carolina, and S.Carolina immediately prior to the registered Earth Quake almost assures that this "Armageddon" Subwoofer has been tested.

Proceed with Extreme Caution. ;o)

Armageddon is so last century. I prefer "The Rapture".