Yamaha MY16-AUD and Dante remote mic preamps

Michael John

Jun 25, 2011
Sydney, Australia

I have a Yamaha MY16-AUD card in my mixer and I'm looking for Dante capable remote mic preamps for live use.

I've seen the Focusrite Rednet gear, but (as far as i'm aware) the preamp control doesn't link in with the Yamaha head amp control from the LS9 and above. The Focusrite booth staff I spoke to at the AES didn't seem to be aware that this kind of integration would be useful. (Maybe I got the wrong guys.) Talking with Audinate at the show, they say that Dante can support any/many types of control but that it's up to the Dante licensees - in this case Yamaha and Focusrite.

I know Yamaha has the Ethersound based SB168-ES system but in my experience Dante is more flexible, especially in terms of network topology.

Does anyone have any experience with any of this?

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Re: Yamaha MY16-AUD and Dante remote mic preamps

I know you say you already have the Dante card, but I just wanted to add Rocknet to the pool of available options. A really cool system for many applications, comparable in cost with the SB168/MY64-ES/MY16-EX system, sounds better and way way way easier to configure and maintain. Remote preamps works like a champ and there's even gain tracking, so you can have individual gain on multiple consoles, which is really easy to configure and use. You can also use that to gain secretly in the background for guest engineers who can't figure out how to gain properly on a digiconsole without them knowing it :razz:

Tiny stageboxes in the 100-series too, only 9 cm deep. That's what initially got me interested.

Just FYI.
I know you say you already have the Dante card, but I just wanted to add Rocknet to the pool of available options. A really cool system for many applications, comparable in cost with the SB168/MY64-ES/MY16-EX system, sounds better and way way way easier to configure and maintain.

Sounds better... Interesting since we're just talking about transport protocols. I've never heard a difference between Dante and a straight wire, but I've only ever done listening on a PA scale.
Re: Yamaha MY16-AUD and Dante remote mic preamps

Sounds better... Interesting since we're just talking about transport protocols. I've never heard a difference between Dante and a straight wire, but I've only ever done listening on a PA scale.

Well, sounds better in so far as Rocknet is only available for the Riedel I/O devices and Riedel cards, which sound very good, maybe better than the Yamahas, and Dante is available in... oh wait, no mic pres at all. Rednet is not yet available, and I have not found any other Dante I/O except the cards, and the inputs to amps. XTA looked like they would have Dante mic pres at one point, but I haven't heard anything recently. Dante has great promise, but there is not much in the way of "digital snakes".

Rocknet is not as simple or as flexible a network to wire, but it is very robust, and the gain sharing may be the best on any product since it works with a variety of consoles on the network.

Re: Yamaha MY16-AUD and Dante remote mic preamps

... I've never heard a difference between Dante and a straight wire, but I've only ever done listening on a PA scale.

Agreed. :)~:)~:smile:

Lately I've been using Dante for the FOH stereo feed from the console to a rack of PLM's, and with analog as the fallback. I notice about 0.5 dB gain difference between the digital and analog but I put this down to tolerances in the analog output of the console. I can make this go away with the digital offset trim in the PLM's. (The digital is in reference to +4dBu.)

On the stability of Dante.... I recently did a stupid thing and pushed a firmware update over wireless to a Lake Contour during a show. (I was bored during one of the talks.) Dante didn't skip a beat during the update, although I heard one glitch later when the Lake Controller sync'd with the updated unit. The network setup included two DLink gigabit switches (stage and mix ends), PLM's, Lake Contours, Cisco 10Mb wifi access point (at mix end), MY16-AUD card in the console and a laptop running the Dante Virtual Soundcard.
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