Crest pro 8200 problem.

Sep 11, 2011
Hamburg, NY.
So I turn the gain all the way down on 1 channel and when its all the way down it sends a big pop through the speaker, the acl lights up and that side of the amp shuts down. Turn amp off, turn gain up, turn amp on, and it works fine.

Sound like a common problem? LOL

Another trip to the amp doctor for another Crest pro amp, made by peavy. I wish I could afford stuff that didn't break all the time. But I bought it used, so its part my fault I guess.
Re: Crest pro 8200 problem.

I think I fixed it. Took the cover off and blew the pot out and worked it a bunch of times while blowing air at it. I'm no pro, but these pots are not sealed, I can see things moving, open to the atmosphere, they look cheep?? or is it just me?
Re: Crest pro 8200 problem.

I have a boat load of Pro 200's and the only problem I've encountered was with one of the pots on the front. It turned out to be a poor solder joint and I easily fixed it might try heating up the solder joints and adding some fresh shiny solder :)
Re: Crest pro 8200 problem.

I have a boat load of Pro 200's and the only problem I've encountered was with one of the pots on the front. It turned out to be a poor solder joint and I easily fixed it might try heating up the solder joints and adding some fresh shiny solder :)

So far so good with just blowing out the pot. Glad to here yours are holding up well, there nothing but problems around here.