Leaf blower, paint roller, two rolls of toilet paper, and....

a little bit of imagination!

Re: Leaf blower, paint roller, two rolls of toilet paper, and....

There is an act we have every other week all winter that has been using a contraption similar to this forever. And last season another act saw it and went and built their own copy. Then we get to have two acts come through and blow TP all over the place.
Re: Leaf blower, paint roller, two rolls of toilet paper, and....

There is an act we have every other week all winter that has been using a contraption similar to this forever. And last season another act saw it and went and built their own copy. Then we get to have two acts come through and blow TP all over the place.

Looks fairly harmless. You'd probably only have to worry about spilled drinks, displaced napkins. Use LED lighting and you'll be golden. I see it in the same realm as silly string that someone posted on recently.
Re: Leaf blower, paint roller, two rolls of toilet paper, and....

Looks fairly harmless. You'd probably only have to worry about spilled drinks, displaced napkins. Use LED lighting and you'll be golden. I see it in the same realm as silly string that someone posted on recently.

Yep, it's the mess. The "original" act is a happy hour, so the staff is tasked with cleaning it up during an already-busy turnover period. The only non-LED fixtures in the house are the movers, and it's a good thing as many, many, rolls of TP have been hung up on the front pipes. Management has outlawed confetti cannons due to ruined drinks, but as of yet the TP machines are still legal.
Re: Leaf blower, paint roller, two rolls of toilet paper, and....

There is an act we have every other week all winter that has been using a contraption similar to this forever. And last season another act saw it and went and built their own copy. Then we get to have two acts come through and blow TP all over the place.

Consider yourself lucky. Try cleaning up after a Gallagher show.
Gallagher - SLEDGE-O-MATIC!!! - YouTube
Re: Leaf blower, paint roller, two rolls of toilet paper, and....

Yepper! He leaves a significant mess.

For more fun, attend a Blue Man Group show. They use motion picture special effects fans to do the TP spew. Also being on local crew for BMG can make you banana-averse for several weeks...