Why are most sound men so laid back?

Eric Cagle

Jan 20, 2011
Atlanta, GA
I was asked this question a few days ago after a particularly taxing event with rain, delays, etc, etc. I came to the conclusion that we are laid back because there are just too many things that can and sometimes do go wrong to ever get really upset over any ONE thing. I guess the ones that aren't laid back don't make it very long in our world.
Re: Why are most sound men so laid back?

I was asked this question a few days ago after a particularly taxing event with rain, delays, etc, etc. I came to the conclusion that we are laid back because there are just too many things that can and sometimes do go wrong to ever get really upset over any ONE thing. I guess the ones that aren't laid back don't make it very long in our world.

I think we have a better grasp on the technical aspects so dealing with problems is generally not as terrifying. After watching lots of musicians attempt to troubleshoot a simple problem like a bad patch cable and chasing their own tails, most soundguy's superior troubleshooting and repair skills mean there is not as much to stress about because we can and will find a way around it.

Musician: "Oh my god my ampeg will not turn on! I'm screwed! *#%^$&!!!"

Soundguy: "relax, we'll DI your bass and throw it in the wedges"
Re: Why are most sound men so laid back?

I think we have a better grasp on the technical aspects so dealing with problems is generally not as terrifying. After watching lots of musicians attempt to troubleshoot a simple problem like a bad patch cable and chasing their own tails, most soundguy's superior troubleshooting and repair skills mean there is not as much to stress about because we can and will find a way around it.

Musician: "Oh my god my ampeg will not turn on! I'm screwed! *#%^$&!!!"

Soundguy: "relax, we'll DI your bass and throw it in the wedges"

You forgot.
Soundguy: "Here lets plug it in"
Re: Why are most sound men so laid back?

My favorite trouble shooting line: "Is it plugged in? Is it turned on?" In more than 30 years that has solved ALL of the problems but the ones that were bad cables or the very rare instance of actual equipment failure. And of course plugged in means the cables as well.
Re: Why are most sound men so laid back?

I mix at a Hard Rock cafe sometimes. I get a call from the manager one night, "We have a problem with the power on stage. Nothing works. When can you get here!?"

I arrive and find that the power strip wasn't plugged into the wall...

Client rents two CDJ's and a DJM 800 to use at a venue with a soundman. Calls and says one the left output of one CDJ is toast and that the DJM booth out is broken too. The club 'soundman' supposedly had more years of experience that I had alive, so my phone suggestions were ignored. Fine. I head to the venue with an extra mixer in one hand, CDJ in the other and my troubleshooting tools in a bag.

First 5 seconds there, I fully inserted the RCA from the CDJ. One problem 'fixed'. Second problem was the monitor. It was a passive yorkville plugged directly into the booth TRS out. Nice! After plugging the wedge back into the nicely labelled output plate I routed the booth out into another snake channel and turned up the aux. "WOW" .... "I never thought of that".

Moral of the story? Not all 'soundmen' are so clever. Though, true to the OP - he certainly wasn't flustered. I guess blaming everything else but yourself takes a lot of the pressure off and lets you sneak back to mix position (behind a little swinging half-door of course) and drink more free sodas...

PS. Other moral of the story, some clients must be fired! In the end that client was fired for chasing me down and punching me after a heated exchange. Full story here.
Re: Why are most sound men so laid back?

Client rents two CDJ's and a DJM 800 to use at a venue with a soundman. Calls and says one the left output of one CDJ is toast and that the DJM booth out is broken too. The club 'soundman' supposedly had more years of experience that I had alive, so my phone suggestions were ignored. Fine. I head to the venue with an extra mixer in one hand, CDJ in the other and my troubleshooting tools in a bag.

First 5 seconds there, I fully inserted the RCA from the CDJ. One problem 'fixed'. Second problem was the monitor. It was a passive yorkville plugged directly into the booth TRS out. Nice! After plugging the wedge back into the nicely labelled output plate I routed the booth out into another snake channel and turned up the aux. "WOW" .... "I never thought of that".

Moral of the story? Not all 'soundmen' are so clever. Though, true to the OP - he certainly wasn't flustered. I guess blaming everything else but yourself takes a lot of the pressure off and lets you sneak back to mix position (behind a little swinging half-door of course) and drink more free sodas...

PS. Other moral of the story, some clients must be fired! In the end that client was fired for chasing me down and punching me after a heated exchange. Full story here.

That was no soundman, he only played one at a bar.
Re: Why are most sound men so laid back?

I was asked this question a few days ago after a particularly taxing event with rain, delays, etc, etc. I came to the conclusion that we are laid back because there are just too many things that can and sometimes do go wrong to ever get really upset over any ONE thing. I guess the ones that aren't laid back don't make it very long in our world.

By the time the band arrives, most sound men just got out of the gym. Already worked-out and ready to go.
Re: Why are most sound men so laid back?

I mix at a Hard Rock cafe sometimes. I get a call from the manager one night, "We have a problem with the power on stage. Nothing works. When can you get here!?"

I arrive and find that the power strip wasn't plugged into the wall...

In addition to a regular after-hours service call invoice, that should have been good for two beers; one for fixing it and another for not telling anybody how you fixed it.
Re: Why are most sound men so laid back?

I used to tell all of my guys that after the gig they wouldn't have to go to the gym for the day but they might have to go to the Chiropractor.
Re: Why are most sound men so laid back?

Bass player: "You broke my amp! It was working until you came up here and were messing around. You broke my amp!"

Me: "Are you sure it's plugged in?"

Bass player: "YOU BROKE MY AMP!"

Me; "Did you check to make sure it's plugged in?"

Bass player: "YOU BROKE MY F********* AMP!"

So I wander up onto the stage and hold up the "unassigned" end of his amp power cord: "Is this the cord from your amp?"

His guitar player had unplugged the bass amp to plug in his rig. I didn't get an apology. He was too busy reaming out the guitar player.......
Re: Why are most sound men so laid back?

Dick how about the reverse
Me "your amp is dead"
Muso who is fiddling with pedals and patch cords " no it worked this morning"
Me " there's smoke coming from the output transformer and I'm about to throw it out the fire door"
Muso "OH!"
Note to all guitarists see that little note that says something like " Always have a speaker connected to the amp output or damage may occur" it really means what it says. G
Re: Why are most sound men so laid back?

Bass player: "You broke my amp! It was working until you came up here and were messing around. You broke my amp!"

Me: "Are you sure it's plugged in?"

Bass player: "YOU BROKE MY AMP!"

Me; "Did you check to make sure it's plugged in?"

Bass player: "YOU BROKE MY F********* AMP!"

So I wander up onto the stage and hold up the "unassigned" end of his amp power cord: "Is this the cord from your amp?"

His guitar player had unplugged the bass amp to plug in his rig. I didn't get an apology. He was too busy reaming out the guitar player.......
I have run into this exact same situation several times.

It is amazing how many musicians will simply unplug whatever they want to-in order to plug in THEIR gear.

It doesn't matter if the other item is alos needed for the show-as long as THEIR gear works.

how about ASKING before unplugging something? It will save a bit of time troubleshooting and make everything goe smoother.
Re: Why are most sound men so laid back?

I have run into this exact same situation several times.

It is amazing how many musicians will simply unplug whatever they want to-in order to plug in THEIR gear.

It doesn't matter if the other item is alos needed for the show-as long as THEIR gear works.

how about ASKING before unplugging something? It will save a bit of time troubleshooting and make everything goe smoother.

Also fun when someone disconnects your self powered delays to charge their phone...... Next time I will keep it.
Re: Why are most sound men so laid back?

I was asked this question a few days ago after a particularly taxing event with rain, delays, etc, etc. I came to the conclusion that we are laid back because there are just too many things that can and sometimes do go wrong to ever get really upset over any ONE thing. I guess the ones that aren't laid back don't make it very long in our world.

Sound guys laid back? No, just cool under fire.