Ulnar nerve decompression?

Sep 11, 2011
Hamburg, NY.
Anybody have this done? I had Carpal tunnel surgery done last year. I'm having both elbows done this year, I had the right one done last week tues, suppose to get the left done next week tues.
The Carpal tunnel surgery was easy, at this point after having the right ulnar decompression, I can't get my hand within a foot of my face. Can't see it improving enough by next week tuesday.
If anyone had this done, how long was your recovery?001.jpg002.jpg003.jpg
Re: Ulnar nerve decompression?

I had the ulnar nerve problem. My right hand muscle between the thumb and forefinger had atrophied away and my last 2 fingers didn't work at all. I was very lucky that my chiropractor corrected whatever was compressing it and most of the muscles and use came back. I don't know if that would have worked in your circumstance but all the information I found on line said surgery only and no regeneration of the atrophied muscle in my case. It took a few months to get back to almost normal going to the chiropractor every week and doing physical therapy and squeezing a tennis ball but again it was a different procedure. Hopefully you will heal much faster. I wish a speedy recovery for you also!
Re: Ulnar nerve decompression?

Thanks for the well wishes.
I'm a power lineman here in Western Ny. It has taken a toll on arms and legs, well everything.
I couldn't drive a car more then 2 minutes and my fingers would go numb, had to switch between hands. I had the carpal tunnel surgery done, it was a instant success. I would reccomend that surgery in a second to anyone. My pinky was still getting numb, so I had the ulnar done. Just seems like a slower recovery, and I'm not one to sit still.