Armchair Instigator?

Re: Armchair Instigator?

Wow, that is an ambition!!!!! Do a tour of some foras and look up the person in question and I think you get a fair idea about the hard work that goes into getting that "honorary title" bestowed upon you :D~:-D~:grin:

Oh yeah, this is important, and a rule I break all the time and get pulled up for: DFTT
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Re: Armchair Instigator?

I am only a sophomore around here. I have just over 100 posts. I like reading more than posting.
I noticed another person with approximately 100 posts is an "Armchair Instigator"
I want to be an Armchair Instigator, how do I become one?

I think that particular title was, hmm, how shall I put this, imposed rather than bestowed, due to the rather unique nature of that individual’s contributions.
No sure you want to have yourself put in the same category to be honest – I’m pretty sure it wasn’t a compliment.
Re: Armchair Instigator?

Obviously, this was a tongue and check post. I have read every post both here and there for the last several years. I knew what it refers to.

Well, then you know what to do :lol:

BTW, the DFTT rule I referred to seems to be a bit ambigous in when internetting with showbiz and soundpeople,

1: Don't feed the trolls
2: Don't f... the talent
3: Don't f... the trolls (that is more of a Norwegian thing)

Haven't been guilty of 2 and 3 lately :razz: