Replacing Mains - Weighing Active V Passive

Brian Murphy

Jun 18, 2012
OK without going into a long dialog I have an older pair of EV cab's with replacement speakers that I'm using as mains that I'd like to replace.
Right now my system is all passive.
I have a TRx18 Carvin Sub which suits my needs for size and weight and some low end when I need it.
I need to get a DSP for the Sub and monitors anyway so I'm not sure if I should stay passive or go active on the mains.

For active spks I'm leaning towards the RCF ART310MKIII that can be had for $419 delivered and they are fairly small and light.
Unless I'm missing the obvious I don't see much in the passive field that can match or better the performance of the ART310 at the same price point. For the passive mains I'm running a Nuke NU3000 which I could keep as a spare because how much would I get for an amp that costs around $300 new.

Some seem to like the ZLX-12's but run with the NU3000 and DSP how would they stack up against the ART310's??

Input and other suggestions welcome. I'm not looking to compare $800 cab's with the 310's.
Re: Replacing Mains - Weighing Active V Passive

If you're looking for something to fill a price point - EV ZXL12P costs less. They are decent, for the price, nothing special.

If you're looking for a less-DJ-oriented option, the RCF Art410a has updated drivers, less vertical dispersion (less sound on floor and ceiling), and more accurate EQ voicing. They are a little more, but still cost competitive.
Re: Replacing Mains - Weighing Active V Passive

Active is virtually always easier as there is much less that you can mess up. You simply plug it in and go, and it should sound pretty good. With separate amps and DSP there is a huge number of parameters that can be set wrong compromising the performance and sound of the boxes.

That said, I'd agree with Caleb. The 310A is a handy box, but it's not really loud.
Re: Replacing Mains - Weighing Active V Passive

At $400-ish, nothing worth owning will be loud! That $800-ish level is where he'll need to be to even be vaguely loud. Speaking of, don't you have HD12A's Silas? How do those compare to Art3/4/5/7, haven't heard them yet.

I do not have them, but I think Matt Vivlamore does. He likes them.

I have the HDL20A arrays...
Re: Replacing Mains - Weighing Active V Passive

I hear you on that Ryan. I'm in TX and I've played gigs where there was no cover and it was nearly 100 degrees. I had to drink tons of water because after setting up and then playing the first set I felt like I was going to pass out. LOL.....Even when the humidity is low....100+ is HOT !!
Re: Replacing Mains - Weighing Active V Passive

Ryan, if you're in the US then you must be near Phoenix. They always seem to tip the high temps. Ouch...115 degrees is torture!
Re: Replacing Mains - Weighing Active V Passive

One very serious problem with a lot of powered boxes out there....many don't have fans. This has been an issue for me as I have been researching a new rig to buy. Where I live and work, no fans means no reliability and no gigs and no income!

It's hot everywhere. When I was trying to use an active PA I bought 2 of those big grey squirrel cage type fans from Home Depot and positioned them on the ground blowing up on all the heat sinks of all 4 active cabs. Now that I'm using a passive rig they get used for drummers etc.

Regarding the active vs. passive eternal debate I'll just say it depends on your master plan. If you intend to expand to something fairly large in the future then you have to look at boxes that will either play and splay well together or possibly become side fills as things get bigger. For moderate club and smallish outdoor stages the active stuff is handy 'cause you don't have to do much thinking. It's hard to think when it's hot huh?!
Re: Replacing Mains - Weighing Active V Passive

Heat is a concern for me as I don't have the space for even 1 fan. I've read that some powered speakers become intermittent in hot weather (PRX612's?) but I haven't read anything similar about the ART310's. The PRX412M is passive but there's little in the way of independent reviews. Anyone have any experience with the PRX412M??
It depends on the speaker. I've had our prx615m going balls to the wall in 98° heat without an issue, however; the 625 that we had for a while would overheat if driven hard in a 70° indoor show. Our VP series cabs only get uncomfortable to the touch when in direct sunlight. We also had some iSP tripower 900 that never gave us a single fault due to heat.

Sent from my neural implant
Re: Replacing Mains - Weighing Active V Passive

Hi Jay,

The passive crossovers in my 12"/1.4" coax boxes weigh 7+#.
Am pretty sure there are amps and processing modules that weigh less.

It is true there are many boxes with lighter and less capable passive crossovers...

Thanks and good health, Weogo

In general, given similar driver sizes and box materials, active speakers tend to weigh more.

Sorry it slipped out.