Joshua Deetlefs

I became interested in audio at a very young age, at 8 years old i was given an old 5.1 home theater system. Need i say this was the beginning of my appreciation for sound and the equipment, and at age 12 i began volunteering with me father at a community theater, initially doing the lighting but by age 14 i had built a dmx to analogue converter and was running the full technical side of the theater single handed. I was granted access for personal use of all the equipment and began offering DJ services to friends and family. Now at age 17 i know for sure that live sound is the direction i want to take

Sound, Lighting, Theater
Mar 6, 1996 (Age: 28)
Boksburg, South Africa


Main (Large) Sound System:
Mid/High: Audience Delight MA-15 (600W RMS)*4
Bass Bins: Audience Delight AD-B218 (2000W RMS) (Fitted with Audience Delight SPM-2400 Amplifier Module) *4
Mid/High Amp: CAudio Pulse 2/1100 (in for repairs, might replace with MC2 T-2000 or MC2 E-25)
Processor: Yamaha SP-2060 6CH Processor