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  • HPF = 110 Hz 24 db/oct L-R - and my subs are LPF @ 100 Hz, the TH115s are pretty efficinet in the 100 Hz range and don't really notice a hole there.
    Xti 4000, I don't use the limiter b/c I am not maxing them out, and I don't like the limiter on the xti series.
    EQ is relatively flat, they sometimes get peaky in the 600 Hz area, but nothing that can't be easily tweaked.
    Hi Rick. I just ordered a pair of sm 80s. Very excited! I will be running them off a ITech 4000 with SRX 718's, up to 8 of them. Do you mind if I pick your brain?

    What are you using for high pass filter on the sm 80's?
    Limiter settings for the cabinets both rms and peak?
    Any specific eq tuning?

    My first gig with them will be a 600 person convention hall with a rock band next month.


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