Ryan Grandusky

Ryan "Squirrel" Grandusky
Independent Sound Provider based out of Temple, Tx.
Speakers: EV XLD281, QRX153, QRX115, ELX115, ZX1, SB122, XSUBS, Yorkville LS2100P, JTR Growler, Yamaha SM15V, A12M.
Consoles: Yamaha M7CL-48, LS9-32, Soundcraft Si Exp 3, Si Compact 24, Behringer X32, Mackie DL1608
April 16
Temple, Tx


Ryan "Squirrel" Grandusky

I work with a handful of EV systems: XLD281 over XSubs, QRX 153 over Yorkville LS2100p, QRX 115 over JTR Growlers, EV ELX115 over JTR Grolwers, and ZX1 over SB122. I have Yamaha SM15V and A12m wedges. Mixers include: GB4-32, Si Exp. 3, iLive T112, LS-9, or DL1608.


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