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  1. P

    BMS 4694 in a QSC Speaker??

    SC-444 (for example, maybe more?)
  2. P

    Randomly Overheating Blackmagic Design Converters

    You’re in the UK, right? Are you sure that you don’t have an extension cord with Earth and Neutral swapped in the plug? The neutral current might be going through your convertors…
  3. P

    X32-s32 drop out

    Check the pins in the RJ45 chassis connectors. There has been an early batch where the pins could be pushed back into the connector causing bad contacts. Been there…
  4. P

    New DIY Mid High (90deg) - AKA PM90

    The selenium does not seem much better from the datasheet:
  5. P

    New DIY Mid High (90deg) - AKA PM90

    Is this from the datasheet? Note that the distortion is raised 10dB in the datasheet.
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    New DIY Mid High (90deg) - AKA PM90

    Do you want to run 1 or 2 cabinets per side? 2x 16 Ohms requires a very beefy amp: it needs to be able to deliver > ~2.5 kW @ 8 Ohms if you want to utilize the full capability of the cabinet. Running 2x 8 Ohms can save you €€ on the amps.
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    New DIY Mid High (90deg) - AKA PM90

    A single 18 BR cabinet can not keep up with the PM60/90. A tapped horn like the TH118 has much more output (but is twice the size/weight). 4 tapped horns with the 18sw115 would be a perfect fit and will put a smile on your face :-D I’m using one TH118 with 18sw115 per side (limited by my...
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    JBL VRX Constant Curvature Systems

    My experience with the VRX932 is that they tend to start ‘screaming’ (distort) at higher volumes. But I have the same experience with other 12” designs with x-over frequency in the >1.2kHz range. More recent designs have x-over frequency <800 Hz and seem to behave better (e.g. tt22mk2, diy...
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    B&C ME464

    But, but, ... this thing is huge... dual 15" or 4x12" horn loaded cab like the PM60/90?
  10. P

    PMA - 60; New arrayable double 12 and horn.

    So, why build & lug 4 cabinets if 2 PM90s can do the job. 😉
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    60 Degree DIY Mid Hi - AKA PM60

    Jan Jaap, exactly, with the 18 sound horn it is an even tighter fit. Even if the diameter of the dcx driver would fit, there is still the risk of hitting the dcx with the 12” membranes. edit: Max, our posts crossed ;-)
  12. P

    60 Degree DIY Mid Hi - AKA PM60

    Ok. How far is the DCX driver from the 12” membrane? The xmax/xmech of these drivers is quite large...
  13. P

    Double 15” and Horn Drum Fill

    👍 Also try a half space measurement (with mic and speaker on the ground) to verify the result (there might be some back reflections in the low mid in your measurement). BTW: What is your ‘achternaam’? 😉
  14. P

    Double 10 and Horn

    Did you put the box on its side on the ground? Can still be a travel distance between the two 10” drivers. Also put the mic exactly on-axis.
  15. P

    Double 10 and Horn

    Probably because you’re measuring not close enough or not far enough from the ground. In other words: this could be caused by ground reflections and the difference in travel time between the direct sound and the reflections. Try to measure half space with the mic (and speaker) on the ground.
  16. P

    60 Degree DIY Mid Hi - AKA PM60

    Should work fine. I’m using the Powersoft DSP lite (no FIR, just IIR with all-pass) combined with digimod amps. I can do SMAART measurements and create settings, but currently very busy. In a couple of months I should have more time...
  17. P

    New DIY Mid High (90deg) - AKA PM90

    Aha, I see. Because you asked about the impedance of the middrivers, I assumed that you wanted to use a passive x-over from mid to hf/vhf. But now I understand you intend to use a passive x-over for hf to vhf only. That should work fine: I’m using the passive x-over as well on the BMS. You can...
  18. P

    New DIY Mid High (90deg) - AKA PM90

    Passive from mids to hf/vhf? I don’t recommend doing that. The mids need quite some processing to play nicely with the bms. You can get an amp for the money of the passive x-over these days. I recommend 8 Ohm mid drivers (4 Ohm per cabinet): 8 Ohm recones are much easier to get and it further...
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    New DIY Mid High (90deg) - AKA PM90

    Hey, that’s funny. I have the exact same combination: TH18/118 + PM90. The TH118 seems to have just enough punch to keep up with the PM90 (for general band/weekend warrior stuff). I made the subs active with Powersoft plateamps which also power the tops (4 channels: 3kW sub bridged, 1.5kW mid...
  20. P

    60 Degree DIY Mid Hi - AKA PM60

    Aha, found it, but turns out it was the RCF ND950...