Looking for any leads on a decent small generator rental for a show in downtown washington DC. I like the Sunbelt gear, but they're really railing me on delivery charges. Anyone know any any decent alternatives?
I've only ever used Sunbelt in that part of the world, but in Montreal I would occasionally pick up generators myself when it was the most cost-effective option. The smaller the generator the greater the percentage the delivery charge will end up being. I'm not sure if there are transport restrictions there, I know in Canada you only need special licensing for some unfathomably large full-tank capacity.
Somewhat related, does crossing into DC constitute inter-state transport?
Unfortunately(?) I'm managing about 6 shows that weekend, so I don't really have the time to pick up a gennie, delivery is the only option. Thanks for the heads up on Kelly, Jay. I remember seeing a company called "Watts" a couple years back when we were working the cherry blossom festival that did all the street vendor power, unfortunately it's very difficult to google "watts generator rental" and find anything but spec sheets for generators!
Marlow I would imagine it does constitute interstate trucking. I'm coming down from DE anyway, so it's interstate either way. You're right though, the cost of delivery and pick up is about the same as the day rate of the unit itself!
Are you sure it wasnt actually 'AMPS'? They are my personal favorite genie outfit in DC. And AMPS stands for Annapolis Mobile Power System, which you probably CAN google.. Seriously, I cannot recommend them highly enough. Probably not the cheapest game in town. But a great outfit...