[FS] 6x KF650e/ L14-30 rack distros/Mics and DI's and more (Canada)

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Marlow Wilson

Jan 11, 2011
Hi all,

I will follow up with more details, but I thought I'd get this up now in case anyone is looking. I'm hoping to find a buyer in Canada, shipping to the US has not been a problem in the past, but some surprise border inspection charges have resulted in US-bound gear selling at a loss.

6x KF650e - $5000 and I'll throw in a MX8750 (UX8800 not available). I'm willing to split them up at about $2K per pair. I'm also flexible to working something out if you don't have the money upfront but wish to acquire them all eventually. Delivery between Quebec City and GTA is not a problem.

I have a bunch of small rackmount distros, some have front panel mount inlets - price TBD depending on quantity needed. I think I have nearly 10 of them available,
2010-10-07 21.43.12.jpg2010-10-07 21.43.36.jpg

I also have a bunch of mics/DI's to sell - lots of OM7, OM5, D2, D3 (yes!), D4, D6, SM91, SM57/8, B52, and over a dozen Countryman 85's.

Basically, if you're in Canada and looking for gear, lets talk. I also have some lifts, truss, lighting, etc that will be available for sale.
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