Adding reverb to an IEM mix

Re: Adding reverb to an IEM mix

If it's like any other desk ever you just go into your aux mix and turn up the FX return. Treat the FX return like any other channel that's going into the mix, though obviously it will be affected by whatever you send into that FX unit.

It may be useful to have a dedicated FX unit for monitors or even per-mix if you have enough.

Re: Adding reverb to an IEM mix

I have a Midas Pro1.I would like to add some reverb to the mix.I'm running it off an aux.Any suggestions? Thanks.

Not sure on the specifics of the Pro1, but on the X32 there is a way to get this done as follows:

Create sends to the bus you are using as your various IEM mixes (just like you are now), but don't route these buses to any physical output.

Use your matrix mixes (mixes of buses) to make a mix of the efx returns for the reverb in combination with the bus sends you are using for the IEM mixes.

Route the matrix mix buses (which are now your monitor mixes) to the physical output you are using for the sends to your IEM transmitter(s).

Hope this helps!
Re: Adding reverb to an IEM mix

The whole mix is created off an aux,not a channel where I can add the verb.

Imagine it's a small analog console.

You're mixing a band with kick, overhead, bass, guitar, vocal + stereo FX returns 1, 2 and 3.

You have 3 prefade aux sends for monitors, and 3 post fade sends for FX. You're only using two FX sends for FOH currently, but you have a spare M-One XL in the rack connected to aux 6.

The lead singer is listening to a wedge fed from aux 2 and he asks for some reverb.

All you need to do here is turn up the send to aux 6 on the lead vocal channel, then go to stereo return 3 ( from the M-one XL) and turn that up in aux 2.

You could use a reverb unit that's already in use for FOH, but the reverb in the monitors will be subject to changes made to that FX mix.
