An excellent in-dept look on Systune.

Re: An excellent in-dept look on Systune.

Are you planning to do sub alignments repeatedly all day long?? To be quite frank, someone who knows how to read the phase curve properly (with plenty of practice) can do a sub alignment pretty darn quick, almost as quick as what the Delay analysis function does in Systune! ;) Then again, with most systems I optimize, there's only one or at the most two subwoofer alignments to be done for the day, so the time savings is negligible. With a phase curve I can see a whole lot more of what's going on in aligning different parts of a system. You do realize you can use the phase curve for a lot more than just sub alignments, right? So why not invest your energy into learning as much as you can to harness this powerful (and mostly underused) tool? You'll be a better system optimizer because of it. But that's just my humble opinion, take it for what it's worth.

Web interface? I use an iPad and Studio Six Digital's iRemote or Splashtop remote, the latter for well over a year, works great with Smaart and a decent wifi connection.

TFC windowing? Smaart has MTW. Kinda like someone likes chocolate vs vanilla ice cream. Take your pick.

SSA filter? Very cool, though I do perfectly fine with magnitude thresholding and the coherence trace, and chasing the lampies and custodians out of the room with a well timed sine sweep! :D

Their Aubion interface looks really cool though it only has four mic pre's. I have eight mic pre's with my Roland Octa-Capture, and I spent half the money of just one interface. The more mic pre's, the merrier IMHO. I'm thinking of adding a second Octa-Capture for 16 mic pre's.......because I can!!! :)

User friendly interface? Smaart wins hands down. Mac compatibility? No competition.

Acoustical measurements? Smaart 7.4 is imminent (hopefully this week), and gives you a lot of the goodness of Smaart Acoustic Tools without the hefty price tag. It's a free upgrade for you.

Disclaimer: I'm an instructor for the competing product you mentioned, and get compensated doing so. The writer of that article you linked to is an instructor for Systune, and get compensated the same way as well. So filter both points of view with your bias filter! :) Edit: Peculiar that at the end of the article, it mentions what the author does for a living, but conveniently neglects to mention that he's an instructor for SysTune. Just sayin'!!!
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Re: An excellent in-dept look on Systune.

Helge said:
...I'm considering switching from Smaart7. Anybody else made that jump and can comment on pros/cons?

Buy both! :)

Personally, I think the Pro version of SysTune is non-optional for several reasons (thus it's not cheaper than Smaart). For me, this is largely due to the "normalization" feature which is like Smaart v5.4's "Subtract Reference Trace" done right. SysTune Pro includes the entire transfer function (phase as well as magnitude) when you engage normalization and lets you do it in layers if you want.

Example: Mic correction, EQ correction 1, EQ correction 2, loudspeaker response, etc. Then you can temporarily disable any or all of the corrections for comparison. Very, very cool.

I have a feeling Smaart v7 is headed in this direction as well - it's only rational.

Arthur's comments are wonderful as always. I've never even heard of Splashtop until this thread - again I'm educated by Arthur - holy cow they GIVE that remote control software away and it looks amazing. Can't wait to try it. :)
Re: An excellent in-dept look on Systune.

Live Sound: An In-Depth Look At The New SysTune v1.2 Dual-Channel FFT Analyzer - Pro Sound Web

After reading this and looking at the Delay Analysis function, I'm considering switching from Smaart7. Anybody else made that jump and can comment on pros/cons?

An other bias review.
Systune rocks no doubt about that! and the "new" features are amazing and IMO makes Systune more accessible to "less geek type" sound techs while keeping its integrity to the "geeks".
If you already have Smaart at least wait to see v7.4. While it will not do your work for you, and properly have an even higher learning curve, It brings Smaart to where the "end users" wanted to start with 7.0 (thats why we are all so excited :) And a world of options will open from there.

Re: An excellent in-dept look on Systune.

An other bias review.
Systune rocks no doubt about that! and the "new" features are amazing and IMO makes Systune more accessible to "less geek type" sound techs while keeping its integrity to the "geeks".
If you already have Smaart at least wait to see v7.4. While it will not do your work for you, and properly have an even higher learning curve, It brings Smaart to where the "end users" wanted to start with 7.0 (thats why we are all so excited :) And a world of options will open from there.


Just FYI, since you mention it Rasmus... Smaart v.7.4 was just released TODAY. A full Release Overview detailing the new features & updates is available HERE or you can check out Johnny's release post on the rational forums