An IEM question for my touring friends.

The band I FOH/Road Manage for is looking for an IEM upgrade. I've spent a LOT of time with the PSM900's, and love them. But, I found a deal that is 6 packs of senny ew300 G2s, 2 helicals, pelican, 2 combiners, rack case, 2 BNC and a furman....

$2800 for the whole package....

Here's the link.

6 Channels of Sennheiser ew300 IEM G2 Transmitter & Receiver

Would I be shooting myself in the foot later on? Or are these a good deal. I know the G3's are the current offering. We currently have psm200s............

Thoughts??? Thanks guys!
Re: An IEM question for my touring friends.

The band I FOH/Road Manage for is looking for an IEM upgrade. I've spent a LOT of time with the PSM900's, and love them. But, I found a deal that is 6 packs of senny ew300 G2s, 2 helicals, pelican, 2 combiners, rack case, 2 BNC and a furman....

$2800 for the whole package....

That's a sick deal and a big upgrade over 200s. Even if you decide to upgrade again in a couple years you could probably get what you paid for it.
Re: An IEM question for my touring friends.

I have a rack of G2's with combiner, antenna etc. It works great and is a huge improvement over PSM200. Yes, the PSM900 is better, but that is an excellent deal that I would jump on if I was looking for decent IEMS. FYI you can use G3 packs with G2 transmitters should you need to replace packs in the future.
Re: An IEM question for my touring friends.

Dadgummit, Tony!!

Right after posting this, I emailed the lister about it, and he said he was delivering it tomorrow, pending a couple of things. So, I will email him again tomorrow to make sure...

We were all excited. As you know, getting in to IEMs new, can be PRICEY. We don't have that kind of money, so we were kind of hoping. We just finished 30 shows in 45 days, and are just getting started for the summer. Our bass player and lead guitarist currently share a mix because one of our psm200's died... it's been horrendous, not only because the audio quality of the 200s plain sucks, but the bass player has 5 driver molds, and the guitar player has dual driver universal fit ears. No matter what I do, they are never happy at this point. Everything sounds and presents itself different because of the difference in headphones, even if it is the same transmitter and belt pack. The lead singer is on psm600's, but only having 2 frequencies to choose from is getting annoying.

Anyways, end rant. I'll update tomorrow if I somehow catch a break and can snag these!