Re: APB dynasonics contact ?
The light is always on. I tried calling a few times today no answering machine. Any idea what would cause the light to stay on? Should I start disconnecting banks of channels to eliminate them then head towards the center section?
I know very little about the Prodesk outside the meter PCB and like i said I lost my schematic of that specific section of it a few years ago. A lot of water has passed under the bridge since I was last familiar with that specific circuit so details are sketchy.
I am repeating myself, but is the LED staying on the only symptom?
Does it work normally except for that, or is the global PFL/solo function also compromised?
If it works correctly otherwise, then the problem "seems" isolated to the indicator LED and nearby components. If the fault behavior is more broadly systemic, the problem may be elsewhere in the system.
If the meter works properly, and responds correctly to PFL commands from all channel strips "and" the problem LED is physically located on the meter PCB board. A) swap out the meter PCB, or B) have a technician look at glue components right at the solo LED. If the rogue solo LED is not on the meter PCB, I have even less idea of what could be wrong and can not help.
I probably shouldn't be injecting myself into this now...
Have you tried sending an email to the contact name on their website?
Me just repeating myself is not very productive, AFAIK they are still providing product service but perhaps not with the same level of hand holding JP provided when he was available.
JR not JP