audio over IP

Gary Fitzpatrick

Jan 3, 2012
Fermanagh, Ireland
I got an interesting phone call enquiry tonight. Protest meeting...but the organisers want the speech relayed from the centre of the town down to a gathering area approximately 0.75 miles away. Rather than running a cable (which would involve crossing a four lane road, and a river, I am thinking of using an internet link for the audio. Its speech only, so it doesnt need to be the upmost quality.

Could you do this using JACK? or Shoutcast. I know it can be done....but looking some pointers on how to do this?
Re: audio over IP


Speech only - how about using mobile telephone ?

Speaker could have his/her handsfree microphone - receiving end would connect telephone into pa-system - person running pa would listen pfl with headphones and open line to public at right moment.
Re: audio over IP

Skype or something similar over 3g mobile network. if you use a laptop or something similar then you have a good choice of audio input devices. Also if anyone in the vicinity of both locations have wifi then that could be an option.
Streaming using something like vlc might be a higher quality solution esp. if 3g or wifi is available
Re: audio over IP

I have got this working using Nicecast feeding a shoutcase server. Delay is only about 20 seconds which is okay for this application. Thanks for the help!
There's no need to use a shoutcast server if you are only going to have one "listener" the program I referenced is basically a private shoutcast that runs on your local machine - so the latency is quite a bit less than using a remote server.
Re: audio over IP

There's no need to use a shoutcast server if you are only going to have one "listener" the program I referenced is basically a private shoutcast that runs on your local machine - so the latency is quite a bit less than using a remote server.

Yea Nicecast is the same, but for some reason my router isnt letting access to it, but it works fine when i use a server. I'm going to try it anyway on site in the next few days.
Re: audio over IP

googletalk and skype both have programming to keep the stream up during traffic issues. It sounds bad on music as they speed and slow the tempo but they maintain the pitch. It might be the easiest feed.
Re: audio over IP

Yea Nicecast is the same, but for some reason my router isnt letting access to it, but it works fine when i use a server. I'm going to try it anyway on site in the next few days.

You have to open up your outgoing ports on router.. Most of the time its 8000 and 8001.. Once you do that then the listener should be able to connect..
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Re: audio over IP

I got an interesting phone call enquiry tonight. Protest meeting...but the organisers want the speech relayed from the centre of the town down to a gathering area approximately 0.75 miles away. Rather than running a cable (which would involve crossing a four lane road, and a river, I am thinking of using an internet link for the audio. Its speech only, so it doesnt need to be the upmost quality.

Could you do this using JACK? or Shoutcast. I know it can be done....but looking some pointers on how to do this?

I worked an event last summer where the standard VNC media player was used. I was a little preoccupied with other things but the way it seemed the IP adress of the "outputting" PC was typed into the VNC player of the recipient and voila, instant live stream of audio (and picture if wanted).

I recently saw a Youtube of someone doing the same with a GoPro camera with wifi, very cool.
Re: audio over IP

I worked an event last summer where the standard VNC media player was used. I was a little preoccupied with other things but the way it seemed the IP adress of the "outputting" PC was typed into the VNC player of the recipient and voila, instant live stream of audio (and picture if wanted).

I recently saw a Youtube of someone doing the same with a GoPro camera with wifi, very cool.