Behringer S16 - Advice for users

Karl Barnes

Aug 28, 2012
London, England
Hi folks,

I just want to pass on the benefit of recent experience.

I have two S16 stageboxes. Both have the latest firmware and both work perfectly fine.
They are housed together in a shockmounted rolling rack case with other items such as radio mic receivers and so on.

As I do from time when it's quiet on the gig front, I recently stripped down the rack case and removed everything to give it all a clean and to check for any signs of wear/damage.

On both S16's some of the 6 bolts used to attach the rack ears to the S16 had worked loose (not the 4 bolts that attach the S16 to the rack itself) .
One bolt had come out completely and had worked it's way into that part of the case that you can never reach and that requires inverting it to get the bolt to fall out.

I'm glad I found this when I did, as it would have made for an interesting CLUNK in the future when moving the case around.

My handy hint for all S16 users with portable setups would be to periodically remove them from their racks and check that the fixing bolts for the rack ears are tight.

Who knows, maybe my rolling case vibrates a lot in transit, or my two S16's weren't done up as tight as the others (consecutive serial numbers, 010xx)...?
Either way, I thought that the wider community should know about it.

Re: Behringer S16 - Advice for users

Thanks for the heads up. An outfit I work with occasionally has a few of these and it will be worth it to inspect the units. I imagine a dab of blue loctite will keep things where they should be.