Re: Best noise cancelling 'phones????
Hello Dick,
I have a pair of Sennheisers that are at least 4 years old. They are very weird.
As in, when you put them on, or turn them on, your ears pop, and you want to move your jaw.
I like how they work, and when I side by sided them with Sonys at the time, there was a definite advantage to the Sennheisers.
That said, the Bose are way better. That is what my wife has. She got them to wear in server rooms, with lots of fan noise, but does not use them much anymore. On long flights I prefer the outer wear to something inside my ear. But I can see how the harness would bother others.
And I like active much more than passive, but sometimes wear both. I find that for flying, the lows/low mids are much better handled actively. As to music, the Sennheisers sound better in passive mode. But I do like using them for non DDLed PFLing, as they cut out the outside, and you are not fighting the inner vs outer, delayed vs real time. In active mode the Bose sound better than the Sennheiser.
I also prefer the active when carrying on a conversation, it is much more natural.
Regards, Jack