I'm looking to label my cables with heat shrink tube custom printed with my company info.
Anyone have a great source for this?
Anyone have a great source for this?
I found it easier to obtain clear shrink tube. Under the tube, I use Avery Weaherproof Labels that I can run through my color laser printer and have underneath the heat shrink. This allows me to color code and serialize all of my cables as I make them. The weatherproof labels are a plastic material, and seem to hold up quite well so far. I've got some that are a couple years old now, and no signs of damage to the label when under the shrink tubing. I also use these labels now to label road cases. They don't last forever, but look great on the case.
Avery WeatherProof Mailing Labels - Home
Maybe it's just the theater tech in me, but velcro and I have a bad working relationship in this industry...:razz:...but other than that, I don't see what's wrong with that at all.
Maybe it's just the theater tech in me, but velcro and I have a bad working relationship in this industry...:razz:
I'm looking to label my cables with heat shrink tube custom printed with my company info.
Anyone have a great source for this?
I know this is digging one up from the grave, but I'm looking for preprinted heat shrink kits to label snake channels ("Channel 1", "Channel 2", etc). I would swear that Rapco or ProCo sold these once upon a time, but I can't find them listed on their respective websites.
I did explore the small handheld label printers (Rhino, etc) but the small cartridges of shrink you can buy are very expensive for doing a large amount of printing, and they waste shrink on either end like any other handheld label printers.
Call your Rapco sales rep on Monday. They sell a lot of stuff that's not on their website including heat shrink kits.
Question: do they include everything in their paper catalogs, or is there stuff missing from there as well?
I haven't seen a paper catalog from Rapco for so long I didn't think they still printed them, and we're dealers.
I just call them up and talk to our sales rep.
So there's a lot missing.~:-D~:grin: Thanks, Tim.