Been having some interesting discussions recently with a bunch of local 'event planners' who had complained about the quality of their current providers so want to put all shows out to bid. My comment to them has been this...
"if you have no one on staff that can evaluate the quality of the equipment and services being offered, the only thing the bid guarantees is the lowest price." since I have given up on getting ANY of this work I am attempting to sell my services as a consultant to at least stop the bleeding and properly word the bid applications so some accountability can be built in. Any advise on approaching this position?
"if you have no one on staff that can evaluate the quality of the equipment and services being offered, the only thing the bid guarantees is the lowest price." since I have given up on getting ANY of this work I am attempting to sell my services as a consultant to at least stop the bleeding and properly word the bid applications so some accountability can be built in. Any advise on approaching this position?