buttkicker LFE vs Concert

Marlow Wilson

Jan 11, 2011
So I'm looking to put a buttkicker or two into my home theater. The concert version is 2 ohms, vs 4 for the LFE version. Is there anything else I'm missing? I've got lots of extra amps to power either version bridged mono or stereo (Probably EV CP or QSC RMX).

Two 2 ohm versions would happily hang off an RMX 2450 or CP2200 I'm thinking.

Thoughts? Suggested crossover settings?
Re: buttkicker LFE vs Concert

That's an interesting idea. What are you going to do, bolt it to your couch?

Yeah. I live in a downtown apartment so my home theater audio is a bit more polite than it might if I was in a detached home. I've actually wanted one for about 10 years but never got around to it. My girlfriend remembered I'd asked for one many years ago and wants to get me a couple for my upcoming birthday.
Re: buttkicker LFE vs Concert

Make sure to decouple your sofa from the floor. Unless you're on a concrete pad, your floor can make a nice (or not so nice depending on your perspective) sounding board for the unit below yours. Although it's pretty funny when they come upstairs to complain and there's no audible sub bass coming from your system.
Re: buttkicker LFE vs Concert

Hey Marlow,

While the Buttkickers are better, a couple of the Aura Pro's will certainly be more than enough for your couch, and at a small fraction of the price ($45 each). They are 4 ohm.


Worth consideration, particularly given the big cost difference.

Hmmm, interesting indeed. I like that they are smaller (cheaper is cool too) and I need some things from PE anyways. Now I need to find a tiny amp to power them!

Lee, fortunately below me is commercial back-office space that is rarely used (when my pipes froze this winter, I found out they were barely heating it!) but I will certainly keep the decoupling in mind.
Re: buttkicker LFE vs Concert

Hmmm, interesting indeed. I like that they are smaller (cheaper is cool too) and I need some things from PE anyways. Now I need to find a tiny amp to power them!

Lee, fortunately below me is commercial back-office space that is rarely used (when my pipes froze this winter, I found out they were barely heating it!) but I will certainly keep the decoupling in mind.


those smaller butt shakers are more than enough. Buy them or something similar, and save the big bucks for something more profit generating. And yes, buy some isolation mounting devices, depending on the building, you could save yourself from bothersome problems later on...
