Call out to stage owners, pluses vs minuses things to think about / advice

Hi there, I have a local small stage rental company that called me offering to sell me their two stages (sl100 size, sl 260 size). They are stageline "like" but are not stage line. I have used one stage several times as the production provider, and I have rented and assisted on erecting others ( sl 250 size). The owner has pre existing annual contracts which could pay both stages off in 3 years. He has a scaffolding company that he wants to focus on as opposed to operating these stages. What are the benefits and pitfalls of owing a stage? I've asked him about the liability insurance costs, transportation costs mantainence costs etc... Can anyone comment on the potential downside(s). The only thing I can think of is I do not have the means to transport the larger stage, but I know that the other sound co hires out an independent driver/ rig. Do it , or don't do it! are there annual eng requirements for inspection, I know I need to have them inspected for being on the road ( as a trailer / commercial vehicle). Can anyone comment as to the maintenance schedule and costs... Thanks
Re: Call out to stage owners, pluses vs minuses things to think about / advice

Does he have stamped engineer's drawings?
If it were me I would have another staging operator give the unit a good inspection before any money changes hands.
Re: Call out to stage owners, pluses vs minuses things to think about / advice

Yes thanks , I asked if he had the eng docs, and he does from the manufacturer. That is something I was concerned with is the age of these units ( guessing built early 80's) and if they required annual inspection by and eng, and what that would cost. Not sure if another stage co would do an inspection and if a regular p eng would suffice for inspection. I work with some at my day job, I should make some inquiries with them, to get their thoughts. Also with my day job I do vendor quality source inspections for military vehicle components, aluminum welding etc. So I have connections to the company owners, and thier certified and skilled welders ( and their opinions). :)
Re: Call out to stage owners, pluses vs minuses things to think about / advice

Here are some pics - the smaller of the two (24x20) aluminum I use it a couple times during the summer, the fair board hires out the company in question. I have not seen their large version in the flesh, but I have to believe it's steel construction.
Anybody want one of these two... it's a STUPID deal, like half of what one costs new for both units...


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