CL5 status message

Re: CL5 status message

I don't know what the message means, but if it's any consolation, I just checked my CL3 and it's displaying the same message and it's been working fine all day. :roll:

Re: CL5 status message

Thanks, Brian.

It also complains of "wrong word clock" in the log when it's first booted up, and the word clock is fine, so maybe some of these messages are errors with things not locking in fast enough. If that were the case, it would be helpful it it had a 2nd message equivalent to "word clock locked" when it does lock in to tell you it was a temporary error.

Maybe I'll try booting with Dante Controller connected to see if there's additional information there. Just not sure if it's a Dante message or Yamaha one.
Re: CL5 status message

So I checked my CL5 and I have the same error, the SWX-Reg error as posted in your OP Andrew. I also have an AUDIO-NETWORK-DEVICE-DETECTED, which I assume is the RIO boxes, and also a Sync Error [Dante In], which I think is because I don't have my Mac Pro which I use for QLab and Protools booted up for this show.

Interested to fine out what the original error is.
Re: CL5 status message

It's fairly standard to get the word clock error on the bottom of the screen shortly after booting one of those consoles. It's just that the Dante card hasn't gotten everything 100% going by that time.

It's a "new" error because Yamaha changed the default clock to Dante a couple firmware versions ago. Originally each console would default to clocking from its internal clock, which led to problems on multiconsole setups.
Re: CL5 status message

I'm going to wager that it has something to do with the Dante clock settings.

I was troubleshooting some recording issues the other day and I noticed that I had four of these error messages in the log. I was changing the Dante Master clock in Dante Controller and swapping between different computers trying to figure out where I'm getting noise from.
Re: CL5 status message

You should see the log from an MA2 that's been updated through all firmware since release. It's pages long with errors like that - though, like your CL5, it works perfectly fine.

I honestly feel like, since it appears once when you start the console and doesn't reappear, it has to be just a random byte or two from the port starting up that gets thrown out. Of course, it could also be that you have nothing plugged into "port b" and its generating that error as a result.