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Silas Pradetto

Graduate Student
This is what I keep getting, is this a newly implemented server load app?


Re: CloudFlare?

Yes, provides DNS and image caching. Part 1 of our slow move to a new host and probably nginx. What you're seeing is that our DNS and caching are up, but SFN is down so there is nothing to serve.

It should be pointed out that caching of static content is an added CDN-like component of Cloudflare's business, but their real business is preventing spammer/bots/etc. from hitting your server by denying their requests at the DNS level. Cloudflare has a very generous free plan, and it uses the information collected from its free customers to act as honeypot of information about malicious IPs.

All of my personal websites are on the Cloudflare free plan, and it works quite well. I was able to remove my captchas and my spam comments reduced to a trickle. Also, because they block at the DNS level, the malicious requests never make it to your server, saving your server resources to serve only legitimate traffic.

Their advanced plan has very reasonable per-month costs. They become your nameserver in either case.

Suffice to say, I am extremely satisfied with Cloudflare, and recommended it to SFN.
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