Crest Pro 9200's - User Opinions & Thoughts

Re: Crest Pro 9200's - User Opinions & Thoughts

For solid straight forward power amps how do the Crest Pro 9200's and the rest in that series compare with everything else available today. I'm looking at a weight saving alternative to MA3600's.
Their size, weight looks appealing.

It is basically a "no frills" raw amplifier. No selections (except mode of operation)-no filters-no plugins and so forth.

I don't like the way that both channels do not appear on a single NL4-so biamping and bridging is not as easy as most other amps.

The LED's are REALLY bright (good and bad), and the fans are noisy when you push them hard (they are moving a lot of air)

We use them all the time and they work well.
Re: Crest Pro 9200's - User Opinions & Thoughts

I own a bunch of the PRO200 series amps. +1 for Ivan's response! Little to no issues/problems. Maybe 1-2 failures in 7 years from 30+ units. Average? above average? , not sure but I'm a "happy camper". Only wish they add more horse power models! PRO10200?