CueCast & Danny Abelson

Unfortunately, it looks like CueCast is no more. Not sure when that happened, but I assume Danny was unable to get enough paying clients to make it all work out. It's really too bad as I know first hand how incredibly difficult that software must have been to write.
Web sites are down, only thing left is his FB page.

Anybody know Danny or know more about what happened?
Re: CueCast & Danny Abelson

Unfortunately, it looks like CueCast is no more. Not sure when that happened, but I assume Danny was unable to get enough paying clients to make it all work out. It's really too bad as I know first hand how incredibly difficult that software must have been to write.
Web sites are down, only thing left is his FB page.

Anybody know Danny or know more about what happened?

I know Danny. I'll shoot him an email and see if he wants to comment.
Re: CueCast & Danny Abelson

Hi Andrew,
Yes, I did hear from Danny. He and his partners pulled the plug on Cuecast because it wasn't getting the community interest necessary to sustain it. Too bad. I thought it was a very smart product. As David noted, he is consulting electronics packages in large scale sporting facilities. He is also doing some writing for Live Sound and sent me this link to a recent article he did: Live Sound: Once Upon A Dream: Bridging The Tech Gap With The Rascals - Pro Sound Web