DCX2496 bricked - unbrickable? (*SOLVED*)

May 9, 2013
(I have tried posting this in Music group's forum, but no responses so far. My gut feeling is there might be someone here with more clue about these matters than over there.)

I have a dcx2496 that seems to be bricked. I tried to update from fw 1.17 to 1.18, and got a file transfer error. I then tried to change the com port settings in Windows. Don't know which of these to faults that did the tirck, but now it's dead...

When I try to power it on the display lights up with the dcx2496 logo for a fraction of a second, same with the leds. Then all leds goes dark and display goes dark green; it is clearly powered on, but no function is available.

I HAVE tried to talk to the unit again over rs232, and i HAVE tried to do a hard factory reset (like instructed here: https://kb.musictribe.com/musickb/view/article/behringer/en_US/Reset-How-Do-I-Perform-A-Factory-Rese...) . Still dead.

Both the unit and the PC-sync worked as it should before my frackup.

Is there hope? Any not-publicaly-documented procedures I can try? I'm not afraid to open up the unit and e.g. do a reflash if anyone could tell me how... The unit is no longer under waranty. It is to cheap to be worth a trip to a certified service workshop.
In case someone comes here looking for the answer to this same problem:

It was all very simple. Holding down the input A button while powering up puts the unit in software flashing mode. Now the remote software sees the unit and is able to flash it.

Case closed.
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Reactions: David Karol
Great to hear that you solved the problem 'solo' - surely very satisfying! I'm looking to use a pair of these driven via AES from a deq2496 (stereo 5-way) so I need all the info I can find! Bound to be a steep learning curve... Many thanks for sharing your newly-found knowledge. :)
If you have a conceptual grasp on how these kinds of boxes usually work you should not have to much trouble. But get the needed hardware to remote controll it from a pc: I find the ui on the box to be horrible. (But for the money it is a very good unit.)
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Reactions: Carl Klinkenborg
I spent a week trying to fix mine (completely bricked with the cellophane still on the display), and it was quite simple in the end. All it needed was a proper RS232 cable and a PCIE card for an old PC. V1.17 went through first time.

Under 20 quid - same day delivery; StarTech.com 1m Black Straight Through DB9 RS232 Serial Cable - DB9 RS232 Serial Extension Cable - Male to Female Cable £3.15 and CERRXIAN 2-Port RS232 PCI Express Serial Card - DB9 Dual Channel 16C1050 UART - Serial Port PCIe Card - Serial Expansion Card Sold by: CERRXIAN - £13.99.
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Reactions: Carl Klinkenborg