I had been turning over the possible effects of stacking a fully cut graphic eq on top of a crossover in my mind, I was was coming up against 2 apparently conflicting interpretations as to whether this would make a difference so I decided to measure it.
By "death to..." I mean the practice of cutting frequency bands on an eq that are then further cut by a crossover.
Best professional practices say "Don't do it" but I was wondering if I could determine why.
What I think I know:
1. The frequency range over which an Geq filter makes a change in phase basically matches the same range in which it makes a magnitude change.
2. Adjacent frequency ranges on a Geq overlap so they also create summed changes in response in both magnitude and phase.
3. Depending on the type and slope, crossover filters make changes in magnitude and phase well beyond their "label" frequency.
4. Stacking filters, i.e. Geq followed by crossover, should give a response in phase and magnitude based on the summation of the filters which includes their relative sizes.
What I am not as sure of that I would like to be:
1. Do multiple filters create a change in phase response BEYOND the region where they make a magnitude change?
The two possible interpretations that I came up with:
1. Cutting all the frequency bands by 12 db will make an audible difference because the phase is affected by all those cuts.
2. Cutting all the frequency bands by 12 db will not make an audible difference because even though the phase is affected, the magnitude is so low that it doesn't matter.
Now the kicker that confused things:
Would having multiple cuts on a Geq below the crossover point affect the phase enough that it would mess up the phase AT the crossover point?
So today I was not in the position to measure the acoustic crossover of a sub/top combination, I was in the position to measure the electronic crossover of a sub top combination, both with and without the "death to..." Geq.
The null hypothesis: There is no difference in the phase response at the crossover between the "No Geq" test and the "Death to..." test.
The alternative hypothesis: There is a difference in the phase response at the crossover between the "No Geq" test and the "Death to..." test.
The experimental setup: Two channel measurement of phase and magnitude using SMAART of a pink noise signal passed through a KT DN360 Geq and a Sabine navigator DSP.
Controls: The KT DN360 and the Sabine Navigator were measured as flat in phase and magnitude both individually and in series with no filters in place prior to setting up the crossovers.
The crossover were set up using LR filters with both 12 db/octave and 48 db/octave slopes. The results were measured both with and without the "Death to.." Geq filters in place.
The results:
LR 12 db/octave with no geq (with polarity flip to match the phases)

LR 12d/octave with "Death to..." cuts above and below the crossover

The phase traces no longer lie on top each other above and below the crossover, and the summed magnitude response at the crossover is far below the trace with no eq
LR 48 db/octave with no Geq

Once again the phase traces lie on top of each other nicely over the entire crossover range.
LR 48 db/octave with "death to..." Geq added

This is the one I really wondered about because the magnitude from the steep slope is already so great that the extremes of the phase and magnitude wasn't even measured (note the coherence in the region away from the crossover). However; once again, there is a fairly large change in the timing of the phase that has been introduced.
So my conclusion is that the "Death to... " Geq technique does introduce significant changes in the behavior of the electronic crossover without any added benefit. (The null hypothesis is rejected and the alternative hypothesis accepted). The phase response of the 48 db/octave crossover with no eq is better than the phase response of the 12 db/octave crossover with the added 12 db cuts on the Geq.
Entering the realm of speculation, I would surmise that these negative effects the Geq has on the electronic crossover would be audible in the acoustic crossover.
By "death to..." I mean the practice of cutting frequency bands on an eq that are then further cut by a crossover.
Best professional practices say "Don't do it" but I was wondering if I could determine why.
What I think I know:
1. The frequency range over which an Geq filter makes a change in phase basically matches the same range in which it makes a magnitude change.
2. Adjacent frequency ranges on a Geq overlap so they also create summed changes in response in both magnitude and phase.
3. Depending on the type and slope, crossover filters make changes in magnitude and phase well beyond their "label" frequency.
4. Stacking filters, i.e. Geq followed by crossover, should give a response in phase and magnitude based on the summation of the filters which includes their relative sizes.
What I am not as sure of that I would like to be:
1. Do multiple filters create a change in phase response BEYOND the region where they make a magnitude change?
The two possible interpretations that I came up with:
1. Cutting all the frequency bands by 12 db will make an audible difference because the phase is affected by all those cuts.
2. Cutting all the frequency bands by 12 db will not make an audible difference because even though the phase is affected, the magnitude is so low that it doesn't matter.
Now the kicker that confused things:
Would having multiple cuts on a Geq below the crossover point affect the phase enough that it would mess up the phase AT the crossover point?
So today I was not in the position to measure the acoustic crossover of a sub/top combination, I was in the position to measure the electronic crossover of a sub top combination, both with and without the "death to..." Geq.
The null hypothesis: There is no difference in the phase response at the crossover between the "No Geq" test and the "Death to..." test.
The alternative hypothesis: There is a difference in the phase response at the crossover between the "No Geq" test and the "Death to..." test.
The experimental setup: Two channel measurement of phase and magnitude using SMAART of a pink noise signal passed through a KT DN360 Geq and a Sabine navigator DSP.
Controls: The KT DN360 and the Sabine Navigator were measured as flat in phase and magnitude both individually and in series with no filters in place prior to setting up the crossovers.
The crossover were set up using LR filters with both 12 db/octave and 48 db/octave slopes. The results were measured both with and without the "Death to.." Geq filters in place.
The results:
LR 12 db/octave with no geq (with polarity flip to match the phases)

LR 12d/octave with "Death to..." cuts above and below the crossover

The phase traces no longer lie on top each other above and below the crossover, and the summed magnitude response at the crossover is far below the trace with no eq
LR 48 db/octave with no Geq

Once again the phase traces lie on top of each other nicely over the entire crossover range.
LR 48 db/octave with "death to..." Geq added

This is the one I really wondered about because the magnitude from the steep slope is already so great that the extremes of the phase and magnitude wasn't even measured (note the coherence in the region away from the crossover). However; once again, there is a fairly large change in the timing of the phase that has been introduced.
So my conclusion is that the "Death to... " Geq technique does introduce significant changes in the behavior of the electronic crossover without any added benefit. (The null hypothesis is rejected and the alternative hypothesis accepted). The phase response of the 48 db/octave crossover with no eq is better than the phase response of the 12 db/octave crossover with the added 12 db cuts on the Geq.
Entering the realm of speculation, I would surmise that these negative effects the Geq has on the electronic crossover would be audible in the acoustic crossover.
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