Digico SD iPad app

Re: Digico SD iPad app

Full email message:

Dear DiGiCo user,

We are proud to announce that the DiGiCo SD iPad App Version 1.2.0 is now available on the Apple App Store at https://itunes.apple.com/gb/app/digico-sd/id862481230?mt=8

In order to use the App to control your SD Series console you will need to install and activate the “External Control” feature in the Master Screen / Setup menu.
To do this, please download the installer package from the link below and follow the instructions on the attached Technical Note.


User = user
Password = fader13

After unzipping the downloaded file you should have 8 files. If you don’t, disable or check your virus protection software.


1) With the DiGiCo SD App V1.2.0 running on iOS8, the Offline Demo Mode is not available. It is available with iOS7.

2) iPad Mobile Data should be switched off and Wi-Fi switched on when using the DiGiCo SD App.

3) Please ensure that the SD App is closed before loading or restructuring a session on the console.
Press the iPad "Home" button to close the App and then restart the App from the DiGiCo SD icon on the iPad screen once the session has been successfully loaded or restructured.

4) If the console and iPad are used in an environment where several different wireless networks are available, it is possible that the iPad might switch automatically from one wireless network to another and console control will be lost.
In this case, close the DiGiCo SD App and reconnect to the console again.

5) If several different wireless networks are available and sharing WIFI channels there is a greater possibility of interference, slower communications and losses in data between the iPad and the console.
This will possibly cause the console and/or iPad response to appear slower than normal.

6) If the DiGiCo SD App is to be used to control a console or engine that is mirrored to another console or engine eg. two mir*rored engines in an SD7, the External Control system should only be enabled on one of those consoles or engines.
If one console or engine is being controlled, the mirroring functions will themselves ensure that the other device is adjusted in the same way as the first one.

7) If your session contains MULTIS (Mutlichannels) and the members of the MULTI also exist independently on the console worksurface please note that, when controlled from the iPad, the member channels' faders, mutes and buss routing will be*have as if linked to all other members of the Multi.
Therefore adjusting the faders, mutes or group routing of an individual Multi member on the iPad will also adjust the same parameters for all other members.

8) With the DiGiCo SD App V1.2.0 and SD Console software version V685, only one iPad can be connected to the console at one time.

Please read the attached TN324 for setup instructions. If you need V685 upgrade contact [email protected]
If you have any questions regarding this information please contact us.

Best Regards,

Taidus Vallandi
Group One Ltd.
1542 Juniper Twig Ave
Las Vegas, NV 89183
email: [email protected]
Web www.digico.biz
Office 702 269 8202
Mobile 310 619 0317
Fax 310 531 7342
Toll Free 877 292 1623 Ext.2 or 8
Re: Digico SD iPad app

I can't get the console and iPad to talk. We have a waves card on our desk which requires a gigabit switch to connect to the ethernet port. I haven't been able to get a straight answer on how to connect a wireless access point with this configuration.
The app itself looks very straight forward. Hopefully I'll hear back and get it working.
Re: Digico SD iPad app

I can't get the console and iPad to talk. We have a waves card on our desk which requires a gigabit switch to connect to the ethernet port. I haven't been able to get a straight answer on how to connect a wireless access point with this configuration.
The app itself looks very straight forward. Hopefully I'll hear back and get it working.
Can't you just connect a wireless AP to the gigabit switch that is already connected between the console/waves card and Waves server?
Re: Digico SD iPad app

I can't get the console and iPad to talk. We have a waves card on our desk which requires a gigabit switch to connect to the ethernet port. I haven't been able to get a straight answer on how to connect a wireless access point with this configuration.
The app itself looks very straight forward. Hopefully I'll hear back and get it working.

The app is pretty good, especially for version 1.

As to your situation, you just need to plug a wireless access point into your gigabit switch. If you don't have dhcp services running already then a wifi router is the way to go. If you don't know what that means then get a networking guy to help you out and maybe learn something from him or her. That's not a dig on you btw, it's just a bigger thing than can reasonably be covered here.

Good luck!
Re: Digico SD iPad app

I've been playing with the SD iPad app for the past week on a SD9 and SD8. Standard software, no waves.

Both consoles were already networked and on quality networks with wifi access already setup.

The app is really good for a first version. I did have some crashing issues but that was solved by rebooting my ipad. If you've got a cell network ipad it is critical that you disable the cell network. I just put it in airplane mode then turn on the wifi. This is true even if you've got a solid wifi connection. Apparently the SD app is unable to identify and bind itself to only the wifi NIC.

A major area for improvement is the whole connection process. If you're using a DHCP network and want to have regular ipad connectivity then you'll need to setup a DHCP reservation for your ipad or a fixed ip address. In the console you can setup an ipad once but on the ipad you have to enter in the console details (address, connection ports) frequently. With subsequent uses of the same console I've had to re-enter all the connection information, none of it, or sometimes just one of the ports. Seems somewhat random. It would be great to have a way to save console connections to a library for quick access. It would be even better to have an auto-detect process that eliminates the requirement to input ip address and connection ports.

It would be nice to have a notification on the console to let you know when an ipad has connected. This should be an option. Same sort of thing as when you connect to the console using the PC remote software.

No FX rack access in the app. I'd think this should be easy for built-in effects, but waves integration might be a challenge point.

Macros was confusing at first till I realized you needed to assign an OSC trigger for them to show up. You can't have a macro assigned to a button and an OSC trigger - you have to duplicate the macro and assign a copy to each trigger. I setup a tap tempo macro to see how accurate it is. Not as accurate as a hard button on the console but not so far off as to be unusable. Good for "roughing in" a tempo while away from the desk. This was on a good wifi connection.

The buss routing section is fantastic, it would be nice if something like it was implemented on the actual console. In short you can see and toggle all the buss assignments for the selected 12 channel bank on one screen. Every SD console operator I've shown that too has reacted the same way.

Dynamics type can't be changed in the app. No access to digitubes from the app. No way to unmute a channel that is muted by a control group without unmuting the control group (this is possible on the surface).

Navigation of the console banks can be challenging because they are laid out identical to the console. It would be great if the "ribbon" at the top of the screen could be re-arranged in the app (and just for the app). This doesn't mean changing the contents of the banks to be different from the console, just make it so I can put right and left banks right next to eachother instead of having to scroll down to find the bank you want. Even better would be if this configuration could be saved to the session in a library that can be recalled. That way you can have different functional setups for each session and those can be different as session requirements change.

In the upper left hand corner it lists session name and current snapshot. Touch it to save session. That's nice. Wouldn't have found that if I hadn't randomly poked it. (It's probably in the manual I didn't read).

That last note is worthwhile. I only used the manual to setup the initial connection. Using the app was pretty self evident. Kudos to the DiGiCo team on a good first version. I hope they keep improving it.
Re: Digico SD iPad app

Is it possible to connect using a wireless router that is not connected to the internet? I can't connect my console (SD9) to an active network, so I would like to use an old router and use it only to connect the iPad and the console. So far, the console is only showing the home IP. Any help would be appreciated!
Re: Digico SD iPad app

Is it possible to connect using a wireless router that is not connected to the internet? I can't connect my console (SD9) to an active network, so I would like to use an old router and use it only to connect the iPad and the console. So far, the console is only showing the home IP. Any help would be appreciated!

Yes. The console needs to be connected to one of the switch ports on the router, NOT the WAN port. Unless you know how to change the IP address of the console (not easy for most) then you should setup the router with an address on the same subnet so it serves addresses properly. You'll want to setup a DHCP reservation for each iPad you want to be able to use. That way they get the same address each time they connect to the network and you don't have the trouble of re-configuring the console settings for the ipad or having to do the static ip dance each time you want to use it.

So yes, you can do it. It's super easy if you have networking-fu. If IP networking isn't your thing then find someone who is and have them do what I wrote.
I'm having an issue, I believe with SD9's connecting to my router. When I connect my iPad to a normal WiFi connection, the Wifi strength indicator in the upper left corner appears immediately. But when I connect to my router that's connected to the SD9, it takes exactly 62 seconds for this icon to appear, which then allows me to control the SD9 from my iPad. I've tried this on 3 different SD9's this week and they all take 62 seconds to connect, which is really annoying. I also initialized my router settings, the chose access point, but still the 62 second waiting period. Does anyone know what the issue is? I've tried on both version 822 and 760 boards. I'm using a static IP.

Router: TP-Link TL WR802N
iPad: Air 2
iOS: 9.2.1
SD App version: 1.2.0
LOL, if this was the worst what happens... What is 62 seconds?
I can't imagine it has anything to do with the SD9. More not finding a gateway?

I had to use a SD9 which I couldn't control anymore at a point during a show, not on the ipad not on the console itself, probably of to much losing contact between the ipad and the console.
The solution according to digico is to press the red button at the back, that's a reset of the total embedded windows PC. Nice when doing a show. I love my X32's!
I'm having an issue, I believe with SD9's connecting to my router. When I connect my iPad to a normal WiFi connection, the Wifi strength indicator in the upper left corner appears immediately. But when I connect to my router that's connected to the SD9, it takes exactly 62 seconds for this icon to appear, which then allows me to control the SD9 from my iPad. I've tried this on 3 different SD9's this week and they all take 62 seconds to connect, which is really annoying. I also initialized my router settings, the chose access point, but still the 62 second waiting period. Does anyone know what the issue is? I've tried on both version 822 and 760 boards. I'm using a static IP.

Router: TP-Link TL WR802N
iPad: Air 2
iOS: 9.2.1
SD App version: 1.2.0

It's not to do with the SD9.

iOS requires that DNS exists on the WiFi network otherwise you will get the 60 ish second timeout before it connects that you observe. Some random router designed for a home connection won't be running a DNS server, or if it is it'll be running something that just forwards everything to whatever DNS servers it's been given on the WAN/internet connection, which of course doesn't exist in this setup.

I don't have to deal with Digico desks (yet) but my show networks contain enterprise grade access points which are just access points and nothing else and separate network infrastructure running DNS and DHCP for devices.

The other really annoying thing is that Digico hard code the IP address of the desk and won't support you if you change it leading to you having to renumber your show network if you acquire one and you don't happen to be using a compatible IP range.
It's not to do with the SD9.
iOS requires that DNS exists on the WiFi network otherwise you will get the 60 ish second timeout before it connects that you observe. Some random router designed for a home connection won't be running a DNS server, or if it is it'll be running something that just forwards everything to whatever DNS servers it's been given on the WAN/internet connection, which of course doesn't exist in this setup.

I agree that this is not a mixer issue, but a router problem. I would suggest that Oliwia try another router.

However, Paul, I think someone fed you some false info on DNS. Any DNS query would not occur until after the link is up. This 62 seconds without a link does not sound like it could be related to DNS. In fact DNS should never come into play as you are connecting via an IP address which would connect directly bypassing any need for name resolution.
I agree that this is not a mixer issue, but a router problem. I would suggest that Oliwia try another router.

However, Paul, I think someone fed you some false info on DNS. Any DNS query would not occur until after the link is up. This 62 seconds without a link does not sound like it could be related to DNS. In fact DNS should never come into play as you are connecting via an IP address which would connect directly bypassing any need for name resolution.

iOS does associate with the access point but it does not show the indicator in the status area on the device until it has successfully obtained an IP address and verified that the DNS servers that it is configured with exist and are reachable.

No one 'fed me' this information we arrived at the conclusion by looking at our own access point logs and inspecting dumps of traffic with Wireshark.
iOS does associate with the access point but it does not show the indicator in the status area on the device until it has successfully obtained an IP address and verified that the DNS servers that it is configured with exist and are reachable.

No one 'fed me' this information we arrived at the conclusion by looking at our own access point logs and inspecting dumps of traffic with Wireshark.

It would be interesting to see that trace as that does not sound like a proper DHCP init process. The whole thing from client DHCPDISCOVER to going active should be a couple seconds at most. 60 seconds is forever in today's ADD world! I assume that if this was a common problem it would have a great deal of attention.

What happens when the DNS server is the DHCP server itself (acting as a proxy which is fairly common)? What version of IOS is being used? Some of the early IOS9 versions had some odd DHCP problems as they went to a new stack design. Do IOS 10 devices show this 60 second delay?