Direct Sound, Early Reflections, and Tone

Frank Koenig

Mar 7, 2011
Palo Alto, CA USA
I've come to believe that the tone of a loudspeaker in a normally reverberant space is disproportionately determined by its anechoic frequency response. By tone I mean the perception of the frequency response or transfer function -- the thing that you can affect with an equalizer. By anechoic frequency response I mean the free-field pressure response measured within the nominal coverage, as opposed to the integrated power response, as you would measure in a reverberation chamber.

This is equivalent to saying that the frequency response of the direct sound matters most, and the reflections, beyond some time interval, not so much.

I got spanked on the other forum for making this assertion and that got me to question why I even think this or what I'm confusing here.

McCarthy, in "Sound Systems: Design and Optimization", divides the perceptual effect of reflections into tonal, spatial, and echo, depending on their arrival time relative to the direct sound. He draws the line between tonal and spatial perception at the arrival time that corresponds to a spacing of the zeros of the resulting comb filter that is equal to the critical bandwidth (CB), with earlier arrivals being perceived as a change in tone.

This is a provocative observation. My understanding of CB is that it concerns our inability to discern pure tones as distinct when they are close in frequency, and is a result of the neuro-physics of the basilar membrane. This is not exactly the same as perceiving a change in timbre of complex tones only when the spacing of notches in the response exceeds the CB, but does not seem inconsistent either.

Let's take the foregoing as fact. At low frequencies, say below 500Hz, CB is generally accepted to be about 100Hz. At higher frequencies it is 1/6 to 1/3 octave (McCarthy uses 1/6), but, in any case, greater than 100Hz. So a strong reflection arriving 10ms after the direct sound (other than causing a suckout -- I love that word -- at 50Hz) straddles the fence between tone and space and we would expect a reflection at 20ms or 30ms to be firmly in the space camp. 20ms is the round-trip time for the reflection off a surface only 11 ft away.

So it would seem that the anechoic response of the loudspeaker is, at the very least, a good starting point in any venue larger than a control room. And this is not to say that one should never "equalize the room", say, in cases where there is an annoyingly long decay in a certain range or to compensate for boundary effects at low frequencies or path loss at high frequencies.

I'd like to know how people think about all this and would love some references on the subject (especially peer reviewed). I also wonder how this relates, if at all, to the observation that narrow peaks in the frequency response are highly audible, while narrow notches are not.

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Re: Direct Sound, Early Reflections, and Tone

Wow. that's heavy thought!

One of the best lessons that I have learned over the years is when to give up. I used to try all sorts of things to fix the problems that you mention because of issues that are beyond the realm of a one off performance. While it's true that we can't equalize a room, I have found that I can do things to soften the blow of a space by making sure that I don't over-excite a frequency. Playing a large, un-treated, room means that maybe the only things I can do is find that modal frequency and try to make sure that I don't make it worse. Another example is playing in a tent with plastic walls- all of the top end gets real excited, real fast.

The peaks/notches thing is a real interesting observation. I'll admit that I'm a big proponent of FFT in rooms or systems that I'm not familiar with so I sometimes go straight to the visual for correcting when time isn't on my side. I really think that it depends on where the frequency shift happens as to whether or not we notice. There are certain notes in the scale that I think that we find displeasing to the ear and may want us to act on it. Psychoacoustics might tell us to pay more attention to frequencies such as 2.5kHz because the equivalent note (D#) isn't one that we hear on a regular basis and thus our brain may not know what to do about it. Another D# is 160Hz- a frequency that also seems to bother me both because of the note itself and the interference that it has within a small performance hall. Those peaks/notches are going to be relative to the space and program music that you are supplying to excite the environment.
Re: Direct Sound, Early Reflections, and Tone

At the SynAudCon EQ07 Worskshop the approach was discussed that is similar to that I used, which is basically:

1. Tune the box (free field within the coverage).
2. Tune the array (free field within the coverage).
3. Tune for the effects of nearby surfaces and early reflections (boundary gain and cancellation, tonal effects, etc.)
4. Tune for the general room acoustics and gain before feedback.
5. Tune for subjective and artistic peferences.

Note that tuning is not limited to equalization, it can include adjusting level, delay, locations, aiming and other factors. Also note that Items 1 and 2 can be performed in advance but the rest require the system to be in in place as it will be used. I'll also often approach Item 5 with separate processing that is more user accessible.

Your comments on the tonal region also seem to relate to the ITDG or Initial Time Delay Gap, the goal of having a period of 10-25ms between the direct sound and first strong reflection. ITDG relates to intimacy for room acoustics but the 10ms lower limits goes back to the same tonal/timbre issues.

You might want to look at EQ the Room? « Synergetic Audio Concepts and Both of these address reflections affecting the resulting response.

Relating all this back to your comments, I would agree with the free field response being a good starting point with two caveats. One is that you also have to control or eliminate very early reflections, which can typically be best addressed by proper design and application. The other is that it is a starting point and you still address the power response, gain before feedback, air absorption and other room/application related factors as well any subjective preferences.
Re: Direct Sound, Early Reflections, and Tone

Note that tuning is not limited to equalization, it can include adjusting level, delay, locations, aiming and other factors.

Yep. And I'd even go so far as to suggest that if possible, EQ should be the last thing used to tune a system. Moving a box in an array 3 inches, or changing the aimpoint by a few degrees can make a bigger difference than you might expect.
Re: Direct Sound, Early Reflections, and Tone

Yep. And I'd even go so far as to suggest that if possible, EQ should be the last thing used to tune a system. Moving a box in an array 3 inches, or changing the aimpoint by a few degrees can make a bigger difference than you might expect.
Of course that depends on what the problem is, the type of array and so forth.

If given a typical setup (mains-delays-fills etc), and given the choice of ONE tool -eq or delay-then delay would be far more useful.

However we easily have both these days-so the "real trick" is to know when to use a particular tool to fix a particular problem.

Far to often people jump to the eq knob-because that is all they "think" they understand. But you may "fix it" in one spot-while making it much worse in others.
Re: Direct Sound, Early Reflections, and Tone

While your comments can be reviewed on different levels, and the difference between direct and reverberant field is well inspected, it kind of depends on what you are trying to accomplish.

If we look at the example of a symphonic hall for performing classical music, the dominant sound received by the audience is reverberant field, so speakers used in that space (for music) need to be flat power into the total sound space, (of course speakers for speech intelligibility in a symphonic space are a different matter entirely). The polar opposite extreme is near-field monitors in a recording studio, where on-axis response is paramount and reverberant field is intentionally damped.

The kind of sound reinforcement, practiced by this forum audience is somewhere between these two extremes. The difference between on-axis and total power into the room was a topic of inspection in crossover design (decades ago), as optimizing one, often compromises the other. The classic, or certainly commercially successful Bose 901 consumer hifi speaker, didn't even try to satisfy the direct sound field as much as driving power into the reverberant field (I am reluctant to say "flat" power in the context of 90s. :-) ).

Sorry for this non-answer, but it is complicated. If we dissect what sound reinforcement is supposed to do, we may come up with multiple answers. Trying to mimic musical instruments only bigger, requires inspecting how musical instruments radiate sound in and off axis. Even something as simple as an electric guitar amp is not that simple.

Good luck, but don't kill too many brain cells over this, there is no magic single answer, but a continuum of compromises.

Of course opinions may vary.

Re: Direct Sound, Early Reflections, and Tone

While your comments can be reviewed on different levels, and the difference between direct and reverberant field is well inspected, it kind of depends on what you are trying to accomplish.

If we look at the example of a symphonic hall for performing classical music, the dominant sound received by the audience is reverberant field, so speakers used in that space (for music) need to be flat power into the total sound space, (of course speakers for speech intelligibility in a symphonic space are a different matter entirely). The polar opposite extreme is near-field monitors in a recording studio, where on-axis response is paramount and reverberant field is intentionally damped.

The kind of sound reinforcement, practiced by this forum audience is somewhere between these two extremes. The difference between on-axis and total power into the room was a topic of inspection in crossover design (decades ago), as optimizing one, often compromises the other. The classic, or certainly commercially successful Bose 901 consumer hifi speaker, didn't even try to satisfy the direct sound field as much as driving power into the reverberant field (I am reluctant to say "flat" power in the context of 90s. :-) ).

Sorry for this non-answer, but it is complicated. If we dissect what sound reinforcement is supposed to do, we may come up with multiple answers. Trying to mimic musical instruments only bigger, requires inspecting how musical instruments radiate sound in and off axis. Even something as simple as an electric guitar amp is not that simple.

Good luck, but don't kill too many brain cells over this, there is no magic single answer, but a continuum of compromises.

Of course opinions may vary.

A statement that was drilled into me at my first TEF class was "WHAT ARE WE HERE TO DO?". There are all kinds of different approaches and needs that vary fro situation to situation.

What works for one aspect in a particular space does not mean it works for another aspect-as you say.

Very often in the design stage people do not consider the ACTUAL NEED of the system-and rather just throw in what they fell comfortable with-even though the actual need may be different.
Re: Direct Sound, Early Reflections, and Tone

Thank you everyone for your well-reasoned and kind responses.

I'm sure I come off as trying to beat everything to death analytically, but really I'm just trying to get a handle on a complex craft, in part by finding a working set of guiding principles -- "take homes". I know well that "it depends", but I'd also like to know better what to do about it in a given situation.

Brad: Thanks for the two links, along with your other observations. The SynAudCon piece on EQing the room I had read, the Gunness one on boundaries is new to me. Very good stuff. The subject of mutual coupling as opposed to straight superposition is something I've wanted to understand better for a long time. I know it's all "just the wave equation trying to find its way", as someone at the recent AES convention put it (to approving laughter), but knowing that, in and of itself, doesn't help my intuition too much.

The experiment of placing additional sources but not playing them, to determine their mutual coupling with a given source, is very interesting. Have any of you tried this?

Happy Thanksgiving,

Re: Direct Sound, Early Reflections, and Tone

The experiment of placing additional sources but not playing them, to determine their mutual coupling with a given source, is very interesting. Have any of you tried this?

Happy Thanksgiving,

One must short out the additional unpowered cabinets or they will cause weird peaks and dips in addition to providing a larger boundary.

Multiple Cabinet Combined Response - diyAudio

Horn Extender/Wave-guide for TH - diyAudio

A large array becomes an additional boundary which increases forward directivity, which imparts low frequency gain in addition to the 6 dB of doubling radiation area and power.
Cabinets with large frontal area compared to the horn exit or driver and port area may exhibit additional low frequency gain in addition to the 6 dB of doubling radiation area and power.