Distro Upsize

Jeffrey Knorr

Honorary PhD
Jan 11, 2011
Berwick, PA 18603
For an upcoming show (i.e. this FRIDAY!) I need to properly split a 100A 240VAC feed into at least two 50A 240VAC "Cali" style outputs. I'm looking for suggestions as to what to use to accomplish this. for now, it may just have hardwired tails to it. Is there anything off the shelf to easily accomplish this? Suggestions?

Ideally we would find another Rac Pac style unit with an internal mains breaker and 50A breakered outputs.

Thanks for any pointers,

Re: Distro Upsize

For an upcoming show (i.e. this FRIDAY!) I need to properly split a 100A 240VAC feed into at least two 50A 240VAC "Cali" style outputs. I'm looking for suggestions as to what to use to accomplish this. for now, it may just have hardwired tails to it. Is there anything off the shelf to easily accomplish this? Suggestions?

Ideally we would find another Rac Pac style unit with an internal mains breaker and 50A breakered outputs.

Thanks for any pointers,


just to clarify, are you specifically using 240V or is it 125/250?

Re: Distro Upsize

This is really simple. Go to your local generator rental company and rent a 200 amp distro with 50 Amp CS outs. They all carry them. These are super common. I don't think you will find many in 100 Amps though. All that I see provided in my area are 200 amp units.

Hi Ryan,

That's definitely an option too, but the nearest rental place is 45 minutes away that would have the distro available. Logistically it's a bit of a challenge (day jobs and all the fun).

Re: Distro Upsize

I don't know what Berwick, PA is like but everything here is at least 45 minutes away, even if they are just a couple miles away. If you need something you just figure out a way to do it.

Hi Ryan,

I ended up building a small 100Amp to multi-cali output breaker panel. The show was last night and everything worked out great.

Thanks again for your suggestions.
