Double wide 19" racks

Jens Bacher

Jan 2, 2012
Slagelse, Denmark
I'm in the proces of spec'ing a double wide rack that will be used for RF stuff, Digico racks etc. on theatre tours and long term hire. I'm thinking 2*28u high, rack rails in front and back and lids in front and back. What are your favorite design? Any pictures of racks that others have build would be nice for reference, no need to reinvent the wheel when Masque/Autograph have been doing it for 25 years ....
Re: Double wide 19" racks

Hallo Jens, hvordan går det!:)

I have exactly one double wide rack in inventory.

It's the stage rack for my Yamaha PM1D. Since that mixer system uses a hopeless SCSI connector type to connect the DSP "brain" to the input and output modules, it's a big advantage to have everything pre-connected in one rack. Since my system needs 30 rack spaces it was more practical to have one double wide rack than one monster tall rack!

Apart from that I'm not a big fan of those racks.

The way I built it I bought some Adam Hall "frames" that are typically used as a kit together with normal rack mount "ladders" in each corner.

The Adam Hall "frames" make up the top and bottom of the rack and you bolt the pieces together in such a way that you get the depth you need (within the limits of the size of the brackets), but the width is alway 19", of course. Then you cut the normal square-hole rack "ladders" to the lenght you want and bolt one in each corner. When it is assembled it looks like one of those typical computer server racks.

I built two 15 unit rack frames like this and just bolted them together side-by-side. You can either leave the frame open or close off the top, back and sides with whatever panel you may choose.

I then ordered a case made like those you house guitar/bass combos in, only much bigger.

This is the most compact way I could think of to safely move 30 units of gear in one piece. But it's quite heavy! 150 Kg perhaps ??
Re: Double wide 19" racks

Just a suggestion: Use the largest casters that are practical and put a pair in the center (total of 6 wheels) because these racks get heavy fast.
Re: Double wide 19" racks

I filled a double wide with XTA DS800's that got used as an ISO-split, and 28U is a good heights for a double wide. I'll see if I can dig up some pictures. Something I would recommend is to put a large opening in the middle support at the back of the rack so that any cables that need to pass from one side to the other can do so without the need of opening the lid and reconnection every time.
Re: Double wide 19" racks

I filled a double wide with XTA DS800's that got used as an ISO-split, and 28U is a good heights for a double wide.

That must be one heavy case! 56 rack spaces of gear in one case? :O

Something I would recommend is to put a large opening in the middle support at the back of the rack so that any cables that need to pass from one side to the other can do so without the need of opening the lid and reconnection every time.

Re: Double wide 19" racks

Thought i would show you the finished result, as it is loaded with gear. I just need to find out exactly what i'm gonna do with the area in the middle, might use it to hold some powerstrips. I also need to do some larger cutouts for cable between the two sides.

2012-07-19 23.09.07.jpg
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