Dummy guitar cabs, where to get?

We are sending out a 60's "Woodstock" tour and the designer wants a "wall of Marshalls" for the Hendrix portion. As the entire show (monitor rig and backline for 16 musos, FOH console, video/ oil projection, supplemental lighting package) needs to ride in a single 53, we are a bit tight on space. I have had tours come through our venues with dummy faceplates only, in configurable sections. Does anyone know where to get these "ready made" or are we hitting the woodshop?
Re: Dummy guitar cabs, where to get?

Sometimes if an artist has factory support that factory will custom build dummy boxes that look like the real deal. I suspect you do not have that option. maybe buy some Behringer amps?

Re: Dummy guitar cabs, where to get?

Proof Productions can build you anything you can dream of. Actually, any decent scene shop should have no trouble building a wall of Marshall cabinets. Proof is just the first one that comes to mind.