EAW forums - suggestion / help please

I was going to post this on the eaw forums site, but it would appear to be locked down (no new posts). So I know some of the EAW mods, and some users frequent here are obviously quite capable of providing some insight for my question(s). I was actually hoping one of the afore mentioned could make a video, or at least a detailed post about how to update the firmware, and software on the UX 8800 processor. It seem like quite an effort and I have not tried to do mine for fear of bricking it or screwing up what's already there and working. Mine do not yet have the single mode option, that's how far behind they are. A step by step post or video would be helpful. The Eaw manager software somehow fits in the mix and I'm not sure where or how... could someone explain, Langston maybe :).
I aprreciate any help.
As for my stuff, I'm hoping to hook into it this weekend and get the details as to exactly what firmware it is...
I just downloaded the most recent pilot and grey boxes... do I need anything else.
Re: EAW forums - suggestion / help please

Hello Shane,

I will be more than glad to help you with this.. we are sorry about our forums and we are working on a completely newer format for them, unfortunately it is taking a little longer than we had hoped...

As for updating the firmware honestly it is very easy and simple using EAW Manager.
if you would like please contact me outside of this forum and i can walk you through the setup of Manager.
All you will need in terms of software is to make sure you have the latest version of EAWPilot installed on your computer.
Re: EAW forums - suggestion / help please

Sure can Robert.. please PM me with your email address and i will get you the same info that Shane is looking for.
Re: EAW forums - suggestion / help please

Just wanted to let everyone know, I've already received a response from Joe - thank you...
It does however point out that this activity could use some sort of tutorial video, on the EAW channel or at a minimum work instruction on how to do this. I find alot of manufacturers give you the baby steps (quick start guide), but forget some of the meat and potato steps down the road especially when they are major changes.
Thanks for getting in touch Joe.
Re: EAW forums - suggestion / help please

May want to keep in mind that switching to Single mode means you'll have to recreate your setups - you can't transfer old ones to the new format. I'm not sure if Single Mode has the same delay characteristics, so you may be able to write down your old settings and re-enter and end up in the same place, otherwise you may need to re-measure.
Re: EAW forums - suggestion / help please

I will be attempting this tomorrow. Have to input new amp specs and want to update at the same time.

I noticed when calculating my amps max rms output voltage that maybe I should have separate programs made for the different ways I scale my rig. If I use 2 boxes per side the max voltage is different than with 1 box. How much difference will this make limiter wise? Anyone have multiple programs for different scaled setups or other thoughts?
Re: EAW forums - suggestion / help please

I noticed when calculating my amps max rms output voltage that maybe I should have separate programs made for the different ways I scale my rig. If I use 2 boxes per side the max voltage is different than with 1 box. How much difference will this make limiter wise? Anyone have multiple programs for different scaled setups or other thoughts?

I'm running on the fact (and please correct me if I'm wrong), that the processor will "scale itself" and limit based on the setting you have entered. In other words... if you have a 4 ohm setting at 2100 watts for instance, that if you've dropped the load to 2 ohms, that it's going to limit based on the 4 ohm rating regardless. It's just going to "do the math" and properly limit based on the capablities of the amp, not so much on the load presented - but again please correct me if I'm wrong I'm in the same boat...lol
Re: EAW forums - suggestion / help please

Yes that is correct Shane in that it will adjust based on the amplifier capabilities.

It seems that there are a lot of people looking for the instructions on how to update their processor...

Honestly it is really not that difficult nor majorly time consuming.

Set up your PC's IP address to talk to the UX8800
Launch EAWManager only
enter in the IP address of the UX (found in the UTIL menu via front panel controls)
Hit OK
Then click "CONNECT"
it should find the UX in the grey window.
Once it finds the UX, directly below that grey window select your "PRODUCT" as UX8800
Check to make sure you have the latest version of firmware where the last three digits in the firmware file are .122
Click "Update Firmware"

Once it is finished you are done :-)
Re: EAW forums - suggestion / help please

I will be attempting this tomorrow. Have to input new amp specs and want to update at the same time.

I noticed when calculating my amps max rms output voltage that maybe I should have separate programs made for the different ways I scale my rig. If I use 2 boxes per side the max voltage is different than with 1 box. How much difference will this make limiter wise? Anyone have multiple programs for different scaled setups or other thoughts?

To clarify, the voltage is always the same regardless of load. As you add more speakers to the amp, the current, and therefore wattage, goes up, until the amp runs out of current (current limiting) or voltage (clipping).

Therefore, you only need one limiter setting, not one that varies with load impedance.
Re: EAW forums - suggestion / help please

Yes that is correct Shane in that it will adjust based on the amplifier capabilities.

It seems that there are a lot of people looking for the instructions on how to update their processor...

Honestly it is really not that difficult nor majorly time consuming (snip).

Indeed. Compared to updating the Yamaha CL5 and the Rio stage boxes, it's a cakewalk (2 CL surfaces, 4 Rio boxes)...:))

Geri O
Re: EAW forums - suggestion / help please

I just wanted to mention, I've updated my processors as per Joe's instructions, no issues, glitch free. They are both in single mode, re built presets...loving the cardioid sub option as well. One quirky thing I've noticed is if I set up names on the output legs, and I select a leg, and select grey box configure to check amp settings... The name reverts to system leg #. It doesn't hold my names....not a biggie. Also it would be nice to be able to copy output settings from one leg to another, you can do it for the inputs, why not the outputs? Thanks Joe.
Re: EAW forums - suggestion / help please

One quirky thing I've noticed is if I set up names on the output legs, and I select a leg, and select grey box configure to check amp settings... The name reverts to system leg #. It doesn't hold my names....not a biggie.

If you label your output legs before you load a greybox it will not keep you labels.. it will override your naming convention, but if you label your output legs AFTER you load and configure the greybox it should keep you labels accordingly.

Also it would be nice to be able to copy output settings from one leg to another, you can do it for the inputs, why not the outputs? Thanks Joe.
are you trying to duplicate a specific leg from a greybox, i.e. multiple LF outputs? if so you can do this when you load the greybox.. directly to the left of each leg there is a (+) and by clicking on that it will give you a duplicate output of that specific leg.
Re: EAW forums - suggestion / help please

Are you trying to duplicate a specific leg from a greybox, i.e. multiple LF outputs? if so you can do this when you load the greybox.. directly to the left of each leg there is a (+) and by clicking on that it will give you a duplicate output of that specific leg.

Nope, say I set up my own PEQ points , my example is putting PEQ in for bi-amp wedges...

output 1 has HP filter, LP filter, and 4 PEQ points
output 2 has HP filter, LP filter, and 5 PEQ points, maybe more..

If I want to copy those to 3,4 5,6 7,8 I can't.. I have to manually enter them. Good thing I have nothing better to do at my dayjob :)
Re: EAW forums - suggestion / help please

Oh ok... i see what you are referring to...

Honestly never noticed that before but I will submit this as a feature request for a new firmware version, cannot guarantee that it will be available soon but all I can do is request it :D~:-D~:grin:

Thank you for pointing that out to us.