EAW Greybox + LG PLM question

Matt Errend

Apr 29, 2011
So our company just purchased a few KF850z's for use as sidefills and we were planning on powering them with PLM10000Q's. After getting the greybox presets all loaded up and the boxes rocking the way I had hoped they would, I ran into a small hickup in that I couldn't figure a way to enable the fourth amplifier channel on the PLM. The default frame preset seems to disable some of the routing options on the PLM and we were planning on using the fourth channel to power a SB1000 for use under the 850's. Does the use of greybox presets preclude the use of additional output processing on that frame, even for the unused amp channel? Hopefully I am just missing something stupid.
Re: EAW Greybox + LG PLM question

Silas... king of amp rant! :)

From the PLM Lake controller release notes:

Note: Cannot recall greybox files with more than three channels. One FIR module takes up the processing power of both modules in a PLM.

Matt should probably just bridge two channels of the PLM-Q, use that for the LF, daisy chain the two KF850z's and call it a day.
Re: EAW Greybox + LG PLM question

Silas is correct, however....

Go the IO Config page. You may be able to route the other analog (or digital) input channel to the 4th amp channel. If so, then you could use an external Lake Contour, Dolby Lake Processor, LM26 or LM44 for the sub processing. And you may have to delay the input of the greybox module to align with the external processor.
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