Flex Array and Microtechs - Check my math

Sep 12, 2012
SW Ontario
Hey everyone,
Just firing up a new Flex Array rig for the first time, just wanted to double check my math as we are not using the Turbosound amps.

- Powering four flex per side
- Processing is LMS-D26
- Amps are Crown Microtechs (2400 in stereo for highs, 2400 in stereo for high-mids, and 2 2400 in parallel-mono for low-mids)

I've set the amp sensitivity to 26dB gain mode for all amps, Turbosound recommends an amp that has 35.75dB of gain, with the passband gain set to -2dB. I have set the passband gain in the processor to +7.8dB for the low-mids(the difference in gain between my amp and the recommended amp, -2dB as recommended by Turbosound), I set the remaining passbands as per Turbosound's recommendation.

Edit: Also, my LMS-D26 only has one user slot available, 1-44 are loaded with factory (locked) presets, has anybody else encountered this?
Re: Flex Array and Microtechs - Check my math

Dear Spencer,

Our CARE Professional team is available Monday-Friday 7am-5pm PST and can be reached at (702) 800-8290 or by emailing [email protected] for assistance. Feel free to PM me your contact info and I will put you in touch with them.


Chase McKnight

Specialist, Experience Engagement


Re: Flex Array and Microtechs - Check my math

Hey Chase,
I have been corresponding with Chris over in the Turbosound Care Department and we have everything straightened out, got the Flex fired up and it sounds great.
