Aug 4, 2011
Fourier Audio announces the PLASA launch of a software update for the transform.engine that enables VST3 plugin states to be stored and recalled during live productions. A free download at, transform.engine v1.2 allows the user to easily recall Cues over a MIDI connection from either a mixing console or show control software, as well as provides support for multiple Cuelists, permitting multiple users to control plugin states in different chains—or even the same ones—on a single server.
“The transform.engine has already proven itself as a highly reliable audio processor for running plugins during live shows and broadcasts, but the single biggest request that we’ve heard from our users is that they’ve wanted ‘snapshot’ recall of their settings,” says Fourier Audio Co-founder Henry Harrod. “Our new software delivers with the introduction of ‘Cuelists.’ If, for example, you have reverbs on a show and each song has different...

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