Frickin' Lazers

Re: Frickin' Lazers

Very interesting! I wonder how much additional signal to noise it gets you, since the drum head is also microphonic there will be a threshold below which it's not clear if the drum head has been hit or is just vibrating sympathetically. Looks like it works pretty well in isolation, but what about when you add a whole band and some (God forbid) subwoofers? Those can cause a lot of displacement, even if not at the fundamental!
Re: Frickin' Lazers

So I would guess that this laser side chain trigger would mean an extra cable run back to FOH for each channel. And if you were on a digital desk, you would have to eat up an equal number of processing channels to act as the gate side chain for the drum channels. Nah. Good gates with side chain filters work just fine for me thanks.
Re: Frickin' Lazers

So I would guess that this laser side chain trigger would mean an extra cable run back to FOH for each channel. And if you were on a digital desk, you would have to eat up an equal number of processing channels to act as the gate side chain for the drum channels. Nah. Good gates with side chain filters work just fine for me thanks.

But... but... Lasers mang!
Re: Frickin' Lazers

So I would guess that this laser side chain trigger would mean an extra cable run back to FOH for each channel. And if you were on a digital desk, you would have to eat up an equal number of processing channels to act as the gate side chain for the drum channels. Nah. Good gates with side chain filters work just fine for me thanks.

Actually DDrum triggers work very well to trigger gates. They are cheap ($99 for a 5 pack) and accurate. I know of quite a few acts doing this, and I have these triggers myself, they work well for this purpose or for standard e-drum module triggering.

The laser thing seems gimmicky.