Gravesend Inn Backstage Tour in Brooklyn This Saturday

John Huntington

Jun 1, 2011
Brooklyn, NY
Our interactive haunted hotel, the Gravesend Inn, opens Thursday, and we're doing a backstage tour for anyone in town for AES on Saturday night, details here:

The audience runs the show, via sensors connected to Medialon Manager, which then fires Stage Research SFX over the control network. Audio is then distributed via a separate network running Audinate Dante to two Yamaha Consoles (PM5D and DM1000), which then goes out to a large number of distributed speakers. The control network is built on distributed, managed Cisco switches, with seven VLAN's and inter-VLAN routing. We also have two separate Watchout systems, and 16 IP, PoE video cameras feeding a multi-channel commercial grade DVR for a trick we try not to talk about publicly. :)

It's only $5 to get in, and if you cant make the tour this Saturday night, look me up--I'll be there every day except this Friday (when I'll be at AES).
