Guitar wedge for a Fractal

Re: Guitar wedge for a Fractal

I should have defined my search better. He's done his research on the Modeler Forums and asked my opinion of professional audio boxes that would do the job.. I have no experience other than the few times the Modelers have come across my stages and ALL of them have just used what was on the stage, my Microwedges. If anyone can recommend a small, lightweight, decent sounding box I'd appreciate it.. Also, would you try to simplify set up by going passive and having an amp in the rack with the Fractal/Kemper?
Re: Guitar wedge for a Fractal

I should have defined my search better. He's done his research on the Modeler Forums and asked my opinion of professional audio boxes that would do the job.. I have no experience other than the few times the Modelers have come across my stages and ALL of them have just used what was on the stage, my Microwedges. If anyone can recommend a small, lightweight, decent sounding box I'd appreciate it.. Also, would you try to simplify set up by going passive and having an amp in the rack with the Fractal/Kemper?

What's the budget (for speaker and amp)?
Re: Guitar wedge for a Fractal

For the amp I was just going to suggest a PL325 or the like. There are several that he's found on the Modeler Forums as well. For the speakers, $6-700 each or less for passive. Of course more if he goes powered..He has the money but any savings after spending $2500 for a Modeler would be great.. Biggest issues are small and light..

EDIT :: The guitarist in my cover band has the Tech 21 single 12 boxes.. They are one option. He's just looking for something more like a pro monitor that he can lay down in front of him.
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Re: Guitar wedge for a Fractal

For the amp I was just going to suggest a PL325 or the like. There are several that he's found on the Modeler Forums as well. For the speakers, $6-700 each or less for passive. Of course more if he goes powered..He has the money but any savings after spending $2500 for a Modeler would be great.. Biggest issues are small and light..

EDIT :: The guitarist in my cover band has the Tech 21 single 12 boxes.. They are one option. He's just looking for something more like a pro monitor that he can lay down in front of him.
K10 works for a few guitarists I work with.
Re: Guitar wedge for a Fractal

I did a stereo setup with a Yamaha T5n and two Microwedge 8 once, sounded great.

Yea I feel like the microwedge would work great, I always liked my guitar coming through them, and like how they threw sound to the back of the stage .... Check out the radian rmw1122 the original version of the microwedge, it's not light but not terrible .... that with a decent power amp should work great. Crown xti would be cool because he would have further DSP if needed to ... What kind of music does he play ?
Re: Guitar wedge for a Fractal

He plays blues influenced rock n roll.. Think southern and classic..Not a metal player..He would rather it be light as possible and no DSP amp.. He writes software so bringing more technology doesn't scare him, he just doesn't want to bring work to a gig. Plus if he gets the Fractal he'll have work cut out there..